View single post by JotaPedrosoBR
 Posted: Sep 8th, 2011 06:44 PM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
Jim viveu na América do Sul por dois anos uma vez por seu trabalho. Ele fala Espanhol e Português. Ele apenas escolheu o idioma quando morou lá. Eu não sei como ele fez isso! LOL Mas eu vou pedir a ele para ouvir mais tarde e que você saiba o que ouve! Tão bom falar com você! Debbie

********************************That's great, very good. I like to know, you and your husband, who speaks other languages, including mine. cool, great friend. brotherly hug him too. Look, I did the subtitles, and is already on youtube COMn subtitles, the video about the reincarnation of the boy, a girl who came here in Brazil. You can launch the video, down to DC, then choose the translation to water their language, English. Then you tell me if everything went right, you can now watch with subtitles in your language. visited my blog? ... then tell me if it was legal, well I did with subtitles. A fraternal embrace, the whole world so FOCEM friends ... from southern Brazil. J. Pedroso

video y subtitle ``CC´´ :