ITC Bridge Home 

ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, Keith Clark, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: May 10th, 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 45
Hello I have been away from this group for a while, and after a year long journey recording Radio Sweep EVP with Crime Cases and Families, I have developed a process Id like to share.

I have found through trial and error, if you break up your recorded file into smaller units and then denoise with lets say "Clear Voice", you can get more clarity in your messages, especially for the whisper messages.

See attached

Attachment: EVP - Radio Sweep Recording Process.doc (Downloaded 1676 times)

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Thank you for sharing with others.



Joined: Jul 31st, 2009
Location: Denver, Colorado USA
Posts: 2
Hello Keith, my name is Keith and I am with the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Society. I hope you have no issue with me reading the posts on occasion and get some ideas as to what interests people have out there, and their methods and ideas on paranormal research. My wife and I have been researching this field for a few years now and have recently increased our inventory of research equipment as well as educating ourselves on technics which enable us to have some very remarkable results. I have to say however, my wife has a voice that attracts spirit beings, like no other. Her technique is simple, but remarkably amazing as to what we are able to capture with our digital and emf equipment. I put in a lot of time researching online. I am currently experimenting with Frank's Box systems and synthesized voice cards.  I am currently experimenting with Radio Shack's most current am/fm receiver, model 12-587. Its scan feature sweeps very fast with literally none of the typical annoying clicking sounds associated with earlier models. The only other item I am experimenting with is the elimination of both am and fm antennas. I have found that almost every session we have, where spirits are communicating with us, we find that they generally are within the range of our emf detectors. With this being the case, since they are so close to us, why would we want false positive voice communication with these spirits by utilizing the antennas on the 3 radios we sweep with, when they are so close, no antenna would be necessary.  Does this make sense to you or your fellow researchers? Please let me know if you have had this type of conversation regarding the pros and cons of sweeping the band with antennas connected. This is a new method we are experimenting with, and would like more information of your knowledge regarding these types of equipment.  Thanks for your time, Keith S. 


Joined: Jan 3rd, 2009
Posts: 383
Hello Keith,

Your statement --"they are so close to us,...."; is, in my view, absolutely TRUE :wink:.

Welcome & Happy Day.  ~ Deborah

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Keith,

Nice to meet you. Glad you have joined the forum, and welcome.

If you have the opportunity and want to, you can also introduce yourself on the forum by going here:

I have an interest in your question on the radio antenna. In my work, I have found that spirit appears to use the same energy used for radio transmissions, and they appear to be almost proportionately related. For example, in my/our radio project (3 years in the making) the following happens:

When the weather is clear and the atmosphere free of disturbance (at least this is my interpretation) both the signal used by spirit to communicate and the energy produced/used by local radio stations are both overpowering. When this happens, it is so loud that it distorts, so I disconnect the "antenna" which is actully a clip holding the radio antenna to a ground rod.

When the weather/atmosphere is not so clear we may not hear them at all, or little. During these times I connect the ground rod to the antenna. This brings the signal up enough to help them a little.

From what I see, changing an antenna will also change the ability of spirit to speak, to some degree. Yet in a case where you're working with sweep radio and you want to minimize the amount of stray radio by not connecting the antenna, you may also be limiting spirit communication. Alas, this is one of the shortcomings of sweep tuning that has yet to be overcome - the cancellation of stray radio - hard to do when that source of audio is expected to be used by spirit communicators.

My opinion is that the reason sweep tuning holds its allure is that it produces an ever-changing source sound, in both volume, pitch, and intensity. Without that, I feel that the best spirit communicators would be able to pull off is perhaps a few words (such as evp) using present methods.

I think your experiment results will speak more. Perhaps you will share them on the forum.




Joined: May 10th, 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 45
Hi all. I just came back from a two week vacation to New England and am catching up. In my misc testing with radio sweep using the RS 12-469 radio, I have held items in my hand and asked anyone here to tell me what I am holding, and have received those responses. That tells me those who answered the question are in my room.
Likewise when I use EVP Maker I get the same result.
But I have noticed with Radio Sweep I get allot of messages in addition to those I asked what i was holding, and I could be wrong but I believe I am picking up messages from others not in my room with me.
I liken EVP maker to a CB radio on channel 2 in that no one really uses channel 2, but channel 19, liken that ti the RS 12-469 radio, this station is widely used in CB land, and you hear everything.
Starting next week I plan to use just EVP maker for my crime cases for the next several months to see if the results are more accurate than have been with the RS 12-469, as again I believe I am getting everyone including the deceased victim I want to speak with.
As for your comment about the antennae, I do not have a way to disconnect mine.

Mike Edwards

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Mike,

Glad to have you back.

My post above was in response to Keith S.



Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
interesting -- let us know how you do with your crimes


Joined: Jul 31st, 2009
Location: Denver, Colorado USA
Posts: 2
Hello Keith, sorry for the delay in responding to your message, I don't get on this thing that often. Busy with work and remodeling our bedroom currently.

I have to admit, there was a time when I did not believe in all of this paranormal stuff, until my wife decided that I should invest in a good digital voice recorder for her and my daughter to experiment with. But after the two of them decided to try EVP sessions at a local cemetary, and received some extremely unbelievable results, I got interested. I am mentioning this, because one day, as I was returning home from work, I was detoured toward this cemetary. About 5 miles before I passed by the gates to this place, the AM radio station I was listening to, had cut off briefly due to passing under high tention power lines. I got a loud blast of static, loss of signal, and suddenly a voice came through the speakers in my car. The EVP I heard, was the same one that my wife and daughter recorded almost exactly to the day, 3 years before. Several months later I heard about Frank's Box, so obviously I got an interest  in scanning. As we experiment with several methods of research in the paranormal, this one is my most current interest. I am also checking into synthesized voice box type of EVP communication. When I get the time, I will let your forum know as to my results in all of this. And I will introduce myself to all. Thanks for the link for sharing my thoughts. As I reinstall the program for our recorder onto this new HD I just recently installed, I will attach some of our EVP files, in mp3 format, for your entertainment. They really are extremely bizarre.

Keith S.


Joined: Nov 24th, 2011
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 21
My old id is f1cracker and I now have a book on amazon that details my recording and transcription process.
I have published a book detailing a step by step process how to listen to and transcribe radio sweep ghost box evp messages. I have learned there are many messages that occur before and after a real time message, and my process details how to isolate each of these messages into their own wave files documenting them into a spread sheet.

The book is available here

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