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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Saitan,

Some questions that I would ask are:

What was the original name of the file?
What folder or directory listing was the picture in?
Does it resemble a family member or someone else potentially on the other side?
Is this the original as it was found on her computer?


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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Your English is fine, better than how some English speaking people write hehe

For a fractal image it's almost artwork. Something you look at for a minute and don't see anything, then look at again and see the image of a man as clear as day !
It's a great image and something i'm sure Julia would have noticed originally.

It brings the question of randomness, something we daily experiment with in ITC. Forming and shaping, based on random information. Fractals would be exactly the sort of thing to be manipulated by a spirit, it would seem. The way a fractal is created, although intensely mathematical, can create a randomness every time from the same calculations...part of the appeal and much like a kaleidoscope.

A very interesting image and, to me, shows a man looking left to right, with a beard and prominent nose. He has dark bushy hair and a center parting. Seems to be late 40's in age.

Last edited on Oct 5th, 2008 12:25 PM by Slider2732

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
I did some research, and found this picture very interesting.

First of all, this picture doesn't even fit the definition of what a fractal image is........and does not have the characteristics of a fractal image.

Given your helpful description, I consider the prospects of this image possibly being ITC.

Thank you for sharing it with us here.

Are you or your friend associated with or members of Artem Miheev's website in Russia?

If you believe it to be genuine, there are many people out there who would like to know about it. If more answers could be provided, such as:
providing a whole copy of the original folder & the name of the place/website where she downloads daily fractal images then...........

I am sure there are several ITC publications that would love to know the details, if you provide them to them. Would she want to do this?




Я сделал некоторые исследования и обнаружила эту картину весьма интересно.

Прежде всего, эта картина даже не соответствуют определению того, что фрактальные изображения ........ и не имеют характеристик фрактальных изображений.

Учитывая ваши полезные описания, я считаю, что перспективы этого образа, возможно, в ЦМТ.

Благодарим Вас за обмен он с нами здесь.

Вы или Ваш друг связаны с этим или членов Артем Михеев (Artem Miheev) веб-сайт в России?

Если вы считаете, что она могла быть подлинной, Есть много людей, кто хотел бы узнать о нем. Если больше ответов может быть оказана, например, как:
предоставление всей копию исходной папке И название места / веб-сайт, где загружает картинки ежедневная фрактала то ...........

Я уверен Есть несколько публикаций о том, что ЦМТ будет любить бы знать подробности, если вы не предоставите их на них. Будет ли она хотите это сделать?




Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Hey Keith, how very kind to put the Russian translation along with the post. I haven't a clue about the language and hope Saitan can read English fine :)

Just had a thought. While the image is somewhat a fractal image, the random spikes and formations, it does indeed have a metallic fluidity that creates the face shape. Perhaps one picture over the top of another ?
I had a weird enough thought just me, it resembles a man looking at us if we were underwater. The fractals would be from a chemical or a swamp type of area. A drowning would be the conclusion and reason for coming forward perhaps in this way.

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Lol, well I know he can read it because he already replied to my posts.....but I'd hate for there to be a misunderstanding in the things that I said - you know?


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