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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, Keith Clark, fratka, EVPDave, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Feb 10th, 2014
Posts: 32
Can't believe it. Maybe it's not even real, but I have often thought that I heard some voices on recordings - they have never been clear and rarely made sense, but I think that maybe when I have the patience that I need to go back and listen to them more carefully because I actually think that I have turned the corner.

Almost as soon as I left he room (another water running , left recording) I see and hear some loud static or water turned up (on wave forms)  and then I thought that I heard someone talking. I did do a noise reduction and listened closely and am so excited to hear a voice.

Listen closely at around the 38 second mark - I am using noise reducing headphones and cranked way way up !!!  sorry if you don't want me to tell you when to listen or what I think I hear, but I would so like to hear if any of you hear the same.

"I'm trying to talk...I love you you are worth  y  o  u    a  r  e    w  o  r  t  h    i  t"

(of course I don't really know who is talking, but I hope....)

What do you hear????


Joined: Mar 24th, 2013
Posts: 21
I'm so sorry for your loss. I wasn't able to have a proper listen to your recording with headphones, but I was still able to make out what sounded like, "mom, you are worth it."

I have come across several moms on these types of forums, including YouTube, who have become involved in EVPs with the hopes of contacting their child. More often than not, it seems to be moms trying to contact their sons. While I admit that you never really know who you are speaking to with EVPs, I believe several of these moms have had great success in contacting their children. It seems that intent, patience and perseverance is the key! Good luck!



Joined: Feb 10th, 2014
Posts: 32
Samantha and all -
Thanks so very much for all - especially glad to hear from someone that seems to hear what I am hearing. It is just so incredulous and I needed some validation.

Actually there is much much more on this recording - before and after the part that I have mentioned. It took me a lot of delving and listening and relistening, but there was much more to hear. It is all tied into the situation and made sense as well.

I will keep on trying to connect if my son wishes to speak - and yes, how interesting and sad that we seem to have lost a great many sons..don't know what it is about 20 year olds in particular. It is just an age of discovery and curiosity...such a great loss all the same.

Also at the tail end of the original 40 minute recording there is a crazy part from some ???IDK "peacekeepers"  very strange. Anyone familiar??? "here to protect...". Not sure what to make of it all. Guess that's what I get for opening myself up to this sort of thing.

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