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ITC Bridge and iDigitalMedium.com are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: https://www.varanormal.com This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz |
Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, lance, Keith Clark, Deborah, ArizonaEvp |
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Posted: Oct 19th, 2013 03:17 AM |
1st Post |
Jeremy Michael Bloxsom Member
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I'm Jeremy. I'm from Northern Michigan. I've been working with EVP off and on since the summer of 2009. I've also been working with various ITC/TDC techniques since around that time. I especially enjoy working with the basic water reflection technique (pioneered by Margaret Downey). I've conducted around twenty water reflection experiments since January 2010 (and have achieved some fascinating results that I'll be posting on the forum). I'm currently working on a comprehensive, detailed, in depth, step-by-step guide for the water reflection technique. If any other experimenters would like to contribute to the guide, feel free to let me know. I'd greatly appreciate your input. I have countless other interests as well. If it has anything to do with metaphysics, the occult, or the paranormal then I'm guaranteed to be indescribably passionate about it. I first met Keith on the Association for TransCommunication (ATransC) forum back around the end of 2009. I met quite a few wonderful people on there while I was enrolled as a member. They helped me out quite a bit when I was first starting out. At that time the organization was called the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena (or "AA-EVP"). Anyways, I look forward to getting to know you all. It's good to be here, surrounded by like-minds. ![]()
Posted: Oct 19th, 2013 07:48 AM |
2nd Post |
ArizonaEvp Super Moderator ![]()
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Hello Jeremy, Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing your efforts with Water ITC as well as reading your tutorial. The input I could offer would be to use a tall container to hold shallow water and record in an area that has a neutral colored overhead like a ceiling. I've noticed that short pans or pots sitting on the stove-top can reflect the items sitting nearby on the countertop. One can also choose to use a CFL fluorescent light instead of an incandescent bulb because the flicker fusion rate is higher (10 KHz ~ 40 KHz) depending on the wattage used. One can also experiment with different color CFL's...ie yellow, pink, red, green, blue, orange, blacklight. Some people add things like a tea or food coloring to add texture to the water or try to achieve color ITC images within the water. Still others have used crystals & lasers, magnets, etc. Don't know if you've done this yet but you can get some near 3-D facial images by using or making a tabletop whirlpool. Take Care, Ron
Posted: Oct 19th, 2013 03:27 PM |
3rd Post |
lance Moderator ![]()
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Hello Jeremy..... Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to your input. Take care, Lance
____________________ lanceitc.com Please visit. |
Posted: Oct 21st, 2013 04:43 AM |
4th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hi Jeremy, Good to see you again, and welcome to the forum! We look forward to you sharing your results and experiences with us. The water method has certainly gained some traction, I am glad to see that more people have worked with it, and always enjoy viewing the results of other people's work. In Light, Keith
Posted: Oct 22nd, 2013 05:49 PM |
5th Post |
Jeremy Michael Bloxsom Member
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Hey Ron and Lance. Nice to meet you guys. Good to see you again as well, Keith. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Thanks a lot for the input too, Ron. I appreciate it. I've heard of many of the techniques you mentioned, though I haven't experimented with all of them yet. When I first started experimenting with the water reflection method I used a typical ceramic cereal bowl coupled with either natural light or incandescent lighting. I achieved some impressive results for using such a basic setup. I've also experimented with colored incandescent party light bulbs. Eventually I made the switch to LED lighting. What are your thoughts on LED bulbs, Ron? I personally consider them to be the best artificial light source option for these experiments. Not only are they more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs or CFL bulbs, but they also have much longer lifespans. They're also a lot more eco friendly (as well as a lot safer). Those being the main benefits, there are still plenty more. The charts located at the link below do a fine job at comparing LED bulbs to incandescent bulbs and CFL bulbs: http://www.designrecycleinc.com/led%20comp%20chart.html LED bulbs come in multiple colors as well. I recently purchased a multicolored LED bulb that comes equipped with an infrared remote control. The remote allows you to alternate between a spectrum of 16 different colors. You can also dim or brighten the bulb at the click of a button. I'm looking forward to using this bulb in future experiments: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006RJRBY6 Getting back to containers though, I've been using 3 quart stainless steel dog food/water dishes in my past few experiments. They're not horrible container choices, though they do tend to reflect the objects and colors they're surrounded by. This is a fairly significant drawback (as it can interfere with your experiment results). I'm thinking about making the switch back to ceramic bowls. Possibly black bowls. One of the things I really love about the water reflection method is all the variables you can change and experiment with. From all the different containers you can use, to all the different light source options, to all the different video recording devices and filters, etc. We really do have countless options at our disposal. It adds a great deal of excitement and flexibility to the experiments. The tabletop whirlpool concept sounds intriguing. I'll definitely have to look into that. Something else worth mentioning... I wiggle a finger or two in the water during my experiments, and I've come to find that many of the manifested images appear around my finger(s). It's my theory that the entities use our energy to assist them in forming the images, and making physical contact with the water surface seems to aid them in the manifestation process. Sincerely, Jeremy Last edited on Oct 22nd, 2013 05:57 PM by Jeremy Michael Bloxsom |
Posted: Oct 25th, 2013 05:38 AM |
6th Post |
ArizonaEvp Super Moderator ![]()
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Hi Jeremy, I don't see anything wrong with the newer LED lights. Spirit has a way of accommodating us as best they can and it seems you have achieved good results with LED's. For a container, I use a 12 quart stainless steel cooking pot which is about a foot tall. I place 1-1/2 to 2 inches of water in it. I've used finger to agitate as well as a long straw to create bubbles. Any more, I gently move the TV tray the cooking pot sits on. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your photo's. Regards, Ron
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