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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Keith Clark, joecioppi, EVPfan, EVPDave, Bruce, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Jun 2nd, 2011
Posts: 1
Hi all! (I'm new to this forum, so please move this if I've posted in the wrong location.)

I've been interested in the paranormal since a very young age. Like a lot of people here, I've had lots of explainable as well as unexplainable things happen to me over the years.

Professionally, I'm a software developer. My goal is to develop some software that solves the problems that devices like Frank's box and the Ovilus solve, and release it as open source so that the paranormal community can see exactly how the "soft device" is doing what it does. I mean, we can't really know *what* the Ovilus does to produce the results it produces, can we?

If you don't know what open source is, it's basically the idea that the schematics, or "source code", of a program be available to others freely (as in free speech, not free beer) so that they can learn and modify it as they need. Imagine a Ovilus that had its schematics freely published and was completely customizable down to the transistor; this is what I would like to accomplish, only on the software level rather than the hardware level.

What I need is any technical information on how these devices supposedly work, so I can implement the same logic and behavior in a software application to be run on a PC (using peripheral sensor devices for data input) or mobile devices like the iPhone and Android (since most new cell phones include things like EMF, Wifi, accelerometer, and a host of other sensors).

The Frank's box design has lots of docs online, so I'm more interested in the Ovilus and its dictionary and phonetic modes. Does anyone know what the supposed logic is behind that? What kind of sensors does it use, how does it process the incoming data, what is the dictionary like, how does it map sensor data to phonetics, etc? I would appreciate any information and links on anything related.


Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
Hi "d",

I am the inventor of the Joes Box spirit radio. It is a version of the original Franks Box that has all new electronic circuit design...not a clone

Spirit radios are designed to select broadcast vocals at random and quickly move on to the next station.The resulting vocal fragments make up a message that relates to the questions of the operator.

Instead of recovering voices from noisy EVP recordings as done in an older method, the voices are strong clear signals with little background noise to separate. The Ovilus also avoids random noise in the audible message by converting the ambient random noise in emf fields to binary data that selects synthesized sounds produced by the Speakjet synth chip.

The Ovilus would create confusing random vocal sounds as well as the intended spirit messages so Bill Chappell has filtered incoming ambient data to only produce complete words and skip the random data. The actual code he uses is kept secret because he sell his devices and would loose customers.


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