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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, Keith Clark, fratka, EVPDave, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Mar 14th, 2011
Posts: 7
Hey everyone,

I'm a newbie and I'm curious if anyone can offer advice on a question I have?

Ok, I have an ancestor who died in 1905. I have no idea where she's buried and have researched it extensively with no luck.  I was hoping to do an evp session to try to contact her and ask her where her body is buried.  Is there a preferred location to conduct this session? I'm unable to go to her last known residence where she died because it's an hour away in a big city with lots of noise and the house is split up into apartments.  The town where her death certificate lists that she's buried in fact has no record for her (some records lost in town fire) & I searched the cemetery for her with no luck. 

Should I go to the alleged cemetery to conduct the evp session? Or can I still have success at a different location?  Not sure what to do. I have a personal item of hers to hold during the session, in hopes of increasing the chances of success.

Any help is appreciated :) Thanks! ;)

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

Welcome to the forum. I'll try to answer your questions, basing the answers only on my feeling and experience thus far.

The first issue is that evp is a difficult way for someone on the other side to come through. And not everyone has the ability to do so. The second is that we don't actually know where the ancestor is in their progression, if they are still on the next transitory level of existence, or plane, if you will, if they have reincarnated back to the earth plane, if they can still be reached, etc.

I'd say that you can record anywhere, anytime, and let that person know that you are trying to communicate with them mentally - just remember that it may not end up being them that you communicate with in the end.


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