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Spirit describes how we appear to them  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Sep 19th, 2010 11:29 AM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
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Because my husband and I are regulars at this wonderful little establishment, the etheric residents are comfortable speaking with us (and with the sentient staff as well).  Lately, the wait-staff noticed spirit calling their names and I heard a direct request for one of the young men to "record please!"

After recording in the "ladies'" I asked my husband to record in the "mens'."  A man and a woman were particularly conversant, but kitchen noise prevented all but the following from being intelligible enough to submit.

In the following clip Dan asks, "And what do I look like?"  Just before 2 secs. the reply, "You look like a bright, sunny light."

I've been told before that they must concentrate to 'hear' us and that we are very colorful and bright.  This description is so pointed- it dawned on me...perhaps the super-bright 'beings'  those who experience Near Death Experiences see is a human from the perspective of spirit.  Something to contemplate I guess.

*Further affirmation, this morning the daily recording gleaned an active conversation between a teen spirit and a mature male.  The teen asks, "You want me to hurt the light?" To which the male replies, "No more talks with lights until you can concentrate."

Attachment: DW_A0538 9 18 10 What do I look like (A a bright sunny light).wav (Downloaded 708 times)

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 Posted: Sep 20th, 2010 10:49 PM
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Hi,I hear it as you do and after that I hear it must of been dark.Was that a person saying it must of been dark?

I have a evp where they say Im getting a light its posted here on the site.

I also have a evp talking about a car im standing by one sayes is that car red and it was.

I also said what color is my shirt and they named the color.

They can see us.


Last edited on Sep 20th, 2010 10:56 PM by Linda35950

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 Posted: Sep 21st, 2010 12:58 PM
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Hi Kenda,  I think it sounds like "Basted in light" and after that "that's all you need".  I just can only imagine how beautiful it will be in the light.  I asked my Mom one day what Heaven looked like and she said beautiful.  So I asked her what is beatiful in there and she just kept saying beautiful.  I can't seem to get any more details than that from them.  I wish they would be more specific.  But they do see me.  I can hear my Dad saying What is she doing now? to my Mom and then she'll tell him what I'm doing.   One morning I had just gotten up not too long and my hair and makeup were not done and I heard my Dad saying Where is she? ( He didn't seem to recognize me) and then Mom said She's right there.  Then he said Oh I see her.  Boy I must look pretty bad in the morning. LOL


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 Posted: Sep 24th, 2010 09:25 AM
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Dan: yes, it was dark where he recorded...the restroom light is connected to an outrageous sounding fan. A couple of weeks ago we recorded at a site (friend of mine wanted to know "who" lives in a home she is considering purchasing)- one of the spirits felt my husband wasn't as attentive as he should have been; on playback I heard, "Concentrate, Beard!!" I suppose it's all energy in an infinite number of patterns, and spirit can and does speak on the "appearance" of things in the physical realm- Conceptual barrier not withstanding. The vacant house was really interesting...the on-living residents were upset because they felt I was actually there to determine whether or not the place was haunted (the view out of the front window is a beautiful cemetery). "We don't want you to buy it!," a woman scoffs. Days later, I went back to say that I respect their right to be there as much as any 'living' being's right to own it. I said I was sorry that they misunderstood and didn't mean to disturb them. They were very kind after that, even talked about the route to my home (-assuming they want to continue our visit).

Linda: I agree, they do talk about seeing us, but we can't say for certain exactly how we look to a composite energy we may be a ball of light energy. Differentiation may be a case of specific qualities of energy...still scratching my head on that one.

drrh: I know what you're saying about the "Heaven" questions...I ask about God and they seem unwilling to answer- one way or the other, I am told they wouldn't interfere with our belief systems. I gather that there is a conceptual barrier between those on the physical plane and spirit. Seems perfectly logical that there really is no way they could express their experience so that we can understand it- So they just don't. I've had individual spirits not 'detect' my presence- others had to "point me out." Right now there are teenage entities around who aren't always able to 'see' me. The mature spirits urge them to 'concentrate' so they'll be able to see or hear me.

Thank you, love the interchange!

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