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Louis - need help  Rate Topic 
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 Posted: Jun 18th, 2008 08:13 PM
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Joined: Jun 8th, 2008
Location: Maine USA
Posts: 74
Hi Synchro,

EVP may clash with your ideas/visions of layered or alternate planes of existance; I in fact am believing that EVP's can come from any one or more of these planes; however it is uncertain if in fact different planes or levels even exist; there has been thought that they do.

How EVP's get through, and how entities hear us is beyond me; we only use audio vibes; however I am feeeling that 'intent' is strongly invloved; almost like your subconcious knows what it is going to say just before you say it, and the brain's electrical energies may be the radio source for these entities.

So I am feeling that one must have an intent to communicate or listen to or ask entities to impress their sounds on a simple handheld portable tape recorder. (Again a test for me as I plan to setup pre-recorded messages; then do live tests).

It is best to start in areas of years of previous human activity; and cemetaries arent the best places!

Mine came from old forts, the forest, and a sunken garden which was an open basement from a burnt down inn 100 years ago.

I didnt use an external mic; and I got voices alrighty and it made me at least consider EVP's more seriously; I still have yet to test external/internal EVP mic tests; I am slow at everything.

Just have some intent, some belief in the possibilities, a simple tape recorder (not digital), and thank them for impressoung voices and sounds even though you havnt listened to them yet; do this about a week or so on about 2 mini tapes and say 15-20 min sessions; dont listen to any the first few times...set them aside away from tv's an such, then on a quiet night, listen to will be your own for-real horror story - only it wont be horror !!!

You will recognize small bits of odd noise in the static that need to be filtered and amplified. My first voices came from well over 2 hours of tapes I had to sift thru, but when I found my first ones, I was in shock and I stopped doing EVP work almost 6 months to a year; it took me that long to come to grips with the reality of what was going on, and have a steady mind to continue; for others it may be different.

Now I have been exposed to many possibilities of EVP capture, most all using some noise as a background; they use noise energy and convert it to readable words for the most part, in the more difficult EVPs.

Spiricom was designed to produce tone frequencies that the human voice uses in speech, and it was supposed that entities varied these tones to produce voices (!!); IE instead of noise energy, frequency energies.

One of my goals was to reproduce the human voice using these tones; I havnt done this yet. This would be a type of calibration setup; filters and amplifiers would be used to get a nice flat response depending on how the entities use each tone energy.

When I get calibrated tone voices I put them up!







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 Posted: Jun 18th, 2008 08:48 PM
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Joined: Jun 8th, 2008
Location: Maine USA
Posts: 74
I wanted to add...this doesnt mean you cant get recordings on digital have to try the many methods out there !!! Why; because your entity contacts may only be in tune with you using a certain method (meaning getting better results).

The small portable analog may be a good starting point; it may not be; it was for me but you have to use software to enhance the audio sections and pull out the voice(s); it isnt easy; I have many noises that I know are voices come thru but only about 20% readable.

Supposedly now since it has been a good 2 years I think (!) I am hoping that I am being guided as to how to continue; once you start getting results open your mind to them and their thoughts like clairvoyance; you may get some nice ideas !


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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2008 06:05 AM
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Joined: May 10th, 2008
Location: USA
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synchronoussatori, I use digital AM radio method scanning continuously at a high rate of speed. I use the radio Shack model 12-469 digital radio, and hacked it using the YouTube video hack which is to cut the mute pin.

For this radio, you need an external speaker, and I use the Radio Shack model 21-549.

I use an Olympus digital voice recorder WS-100 to record, and this recorder has a cable to upload to your computer.

After you record and upload your file, you will need a converter program to convert the file to .wav or .mp3

I record to assist law enforcement in finding leads to help find missing persons and/or to help solve crimes.

Here is a file from one of my cases where I am asking the victim to confirm a photo I have is her husband. When I record, I ask them confirm questions to help ensure I am speaking to the right spirit. The message is at the very end of the recording, and the voice sounds male. 

While you do get some radio traffic, it is the answers to direct questions that I use as leads and confirms.

One of my cases was tested a few weeks ago where a search was done on a body of water where the victim said certain evidence was, and when divers entered that body of water, they found enough evidence from the victim to then drain that location to which they are excavating and finding even more evidence. Not everything was there that the victim said was, but there was enough evidence to reopen the case which had been cold for over a year.

Attachment: husband_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 742 times)

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