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EVP-ITC Research and Development - more info  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Oct 22nd, 2011 03:12 PM
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EVP-ITC Research and Development

Joined: Oct 22nd, 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 65
First I would like to thank Keith for inviting me to register and  post further information.

This is a new organization. I am interested in research in the area of EVP-ITC and decided it was time to do this.

I have three researchers now, Lucien Wilder from the UK (an electronic and electrical engineer with a Master Degree in Science), Nadine Connor with a Bachelor of Science Degree, and myself with two Bachelor Degrees one of which is in Science. I have not had any other applicants for the scientist position but it will remain open. Lucien is currently working on developing an experiment related to radio sweep. I will be working on an experiment to test the effectiveness of EVP Maker. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining our research team, please send them our way. Qualification details are listed on the website.

Volunteers are asked to fill out a form that informs us of the equipment that they own and the technologies that they have used. If we are testing the Ovilus, for example,  we will not ask anyone who doesn't own an Ovilus to participate. The  confidential database of volunteers is very important and the larger it is the more options we have to perform a variety of experiments. Volunteer emails will never be given out or sold; they will remain only in the hands of me and possibly the other scientist/researchers.

 This is a team effort and it will be my job to see that the experiments are designed so not to be biased, that the results are analyzed appropriately. Each scientist will develop their own experiments but all the researchers will all review it carefully prior to it's incception. We will work as a team of professionals. Though we may already have opinions formulated, the research will be carried out scientifically and without bias.

The volunteers will serve as EVP recorders who will be given specific instructions to follow according to the design of the experiment. Some volunteers will also serve on a listening panel to evaluate the recordings that are submitted by other volunteers.

Only individuals using their real names will be accepted. We do accept "handles" or 'knicknames". We do not accept group names such as "Ghost Hunters".

If anyone develops and makes equipment and would like a fairly large group of people to evaluate it, we will have the means to do that as long as the equipment is provided to the volunteers who are recording.

I appreciate your help and thank those of you who have already applied as volunteers.



Last edited on Oct 22nd, 2011 03:17 PM by EVP-ITC Research and Development

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