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Casey Anthony Trial Video: Caylee speaks on jailhouse phone call  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Jun 8th, 2011 03:55 PM
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Recently, I've noticed spirit is eager and able to speak over cellphones (easiest to hear with "speaker" function on).

I walked into the room while video of a jailhouse phone call between George, Cindy and Casey was running and heard a spirit voice proclaim, "This is the way it should be!"  "This is the way it should be!"  Needless to say I ran for my recorder and recorded the rest of this recording and the next (George and Casey) in its entirety.

The first recording was so full of spirit commentary, the video actually crashed!  The second recording seemed almost devoid of EVP, until I uploaded it and amplified the file...Caylee speaks to George Anthony several times on it.

I made a video short highlighting 3 of the messages.  Headphones are recommended.

Funny- even though her voice is actually part of the phone conversation and anyone can take it and amplify the sound file, people still don't believe it :blink:

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 Posted: Jul 7th, 2011 11:29 AM
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Hi Kenda,  That's wild.  I can hear that without headphones.  Geez you should have played this for the prosecutor.    So clear.


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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2011 09:11 AM
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Isn't it great?! 

I hesitated to upload the recording of the preceding call between Cindy, George and Casey- needless to say the comments, directed at Casey, were less than cordial :bored:


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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2011 09:20 AM
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Yeah I bet.  I watched the whole trial!  That was great!


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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2011 11:58 AM
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Excellent job Kenda!  It just reminds us that spirit voice can be obtained from just about any type of media, and this just sent it home!  You can hear Caylee thru out the clip, some is very dificult to make out, but it is there!

There seemed to be a female spirit helping keep Caylee focused.

At  1:14 in the youtube video you can hear a female say "settle down, it's grandpa" , and very faintly at 1:24, you hear Caylee say "Talk to me", then directly after Caylee says "Hi Grandpa",  at 1:27-28, you hear the same female voice from before say "Say hi to Mama".

In the part where Cyndy Anthony is speaking at 4:08 you can hear "That's Gramma" by Caylee, again very faint sounding.


It is kind of sad if Caylee is still following her sick Mother around, I do hope what ever spirit adults that are around her are keeping Caylee more postively occupied during this transition time.  She doesn't belong back around Casey Anthony, period.  I hope whomever is helping Caylee lets her go back around her grandparents if she asks to.



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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2011 12:01 PM
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Hey Lisa,  Long time huh?  I'm still here.  Hope you are doing well too!


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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2011 03:00 PM
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Yes, I definitely think they're contributing to her energy...the spirit world has rallied around her.  My aunt sees and hears spirit- she 'connected' with Caylee in mid-2008 and was shocked by the overwhelming etheric response (she feels the toddler was moved from another location).  Aunt S. told the Orlando police exactly what they would find- duct tape around her face, black plastic bag, the condition of the body, that she was submerged in water- spirit 'showed' my aunt that a male of slim build helped deposit the remains into a small lake within the property limits of a cemetery.  She gave all of her info to an Orlando reporter in October 2008 who dismissed it by saying, "No Body, No Case."  One detail really confused her- spirit insisted there was something about "sacred heart" "sacred heart" she had me running down leads all over Orlando- turned out to be the heart sticker on the duct tape. :sad:

I picked Caylee up on recording within the last year and a half and she was accompanied by an older female spirit that time as well.  She's a sweetie. 

Did you listen to the recording between Casey and her parents? -Very dramatic and punctuated with mature spirit voices.


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 Posted: Jul 10th, 2011 03:47 AM
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I did listen to the recordings, and there is definitely spirit presence thru out.  It is just so sad that to think that there must be a lot of people in spirit out there, totally confused as to what they are suppose to be doing now, that they are in transition. especially children.  My only hope there is some sort of adult supervision going on, in my minds eye, when a child suddenly transitions, and he or she is alone without family (living or deceased) I can picture that child stnading there crying and bewildered, looking around for comfort, just as you see sometimes when a child is temporarily lost and separated from their parents.  Because our personalities follow us to the other side, those nuturing people in spirit hopefully come forth and take up for that child.


I have been fascinated for years, listening to very old recordings, old reel to reel, and be able to listen to the EVP's that are peppered thru out the recordings.   The greatest ones I heard were the Slave Narratives, from the Library of Congress.  You can hear all this talking going on while the person is being interviewed.  Awesome!

Any media that records the human voice is pretty much an open book when it comes to capturing EVP, I guess you just have to be aware of it going on, and listen. 

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 Posted: Jul 10th, 2011 06:37 AM
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Ha Lisa!  I'm confused and I'm still here!  You mean it's going to be the same on the other side!  LOL (Sorry I couldn't resist!)


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 Posted: Jul 10th, 2011 08:11 AM
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Hi Ya Debbie~~  I am under the impression that things aint as great as first thought, the more I hear and interact, that seems to be kind of what happens, maybe only to some, but is sure is a reoccuring theme.  Imagine this, remember no body involved, hearing things said like, "I am so hot", "He is in a lot pf pain", and I ask, "Emotional?", and hear the reply, "No physical".  I heard that one just a while back in a session I did here at home.  Also, "I sure am hungry", during a session when I was recording while I was cooking!  These are all physical sensations, is it still felt once the physical body is gone but for only some?    But  in the bigger picture, I was told that when "they" saw the light, it disappeared too fast to go into?  Weird, huh?  I have a theory on that one, I wonder if our physical bodies emit a fianl big surge of energy of sorts which is perceieved as "the light", and it enables them to see other spirit forms at the time, like maybe their family, freinds, etc., at transition time.  I am still kind of on the fence about exactly what really happens, I keep hearing conflicting situations!!  I secretly hope things are going to be better on the other side, because this life can get to a person after awhile!!

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 Posted: Jul 18th, 2011 11:18 AM
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Lisa, You bring up a whole lot of interesting points!!  I've heard comments referring to me as a 'big light'  At times, might they be alluding to a physical entity in the space?  They tend to retreat to the ceiling when there are a lot of people present- our energy might be 'too much' for them...don't know for sure.

Have also heard physical people (speaking on recording during an out of body experience) commenting on the temperature 'out of body' as "cold in here" (without the 98.6 degree organic suit) and "very bright."

Have not heard anyone talking about food -other than to identify something that they especially liked in life.  My grandmother talked about her 'favorite candy' -she loved peppermint discs and at the time I was enjoying a cup of peppermint tea I'd just brewed.  Subsequently I asked whether they could 'encounter' food in any real way -the reply, "Yes."  (Perhaps they pass through it on the energetic level??)  After hearing this on occasion I purposefully try to cook things they might enjoy 'aromatically.'

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 Posted: Jul 25th, 2011 04:29 PM
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Kenda, I have heard my friend Gary say I'd like a taste of that, or I'd like a cookie.  So I don't think they still have the sensation of taste but I'm not sure.  He also told me that if he had known how it would be over there he would not have drank himself to death.  He says it's very boring! I tell him to go to other places but he says no he wants to stay with me.  I do know that Lisa has heard from him now since my friend Ronnie died.  They are together.  I can hear Gary telling Ronnie how things work.  Like showing him the ropes I guess.  Those are strange conversations to listen to I'll tell you but enlightening as well.  I learn alot more listening to them talk to each other than trying to make contact myself. 

Take care,


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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 07:16 AM
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I know what you mean- I tell curious people a lot of what we 'listen' to amounts to "banter" and they always seem shocked (guess for some it has to be "profound and angelic" or the 'other')...Hear certain ones telling newbies to "concentrate" a lot.  I think they are bored, probably accounts somewhat for the desire to communicate with us.  My grandmother remarked, "Nothing is familiar here."

Last week a male voice said that he was 'translating.'  Another said, "I can translate it for you."  And then a woman piped up, "You're already doing it."  (I was a stone's throw from a cemetery) Further in a male voice suggested, "Hold a Benediction."

It's the cemetery spirits that fascinate me...I asked why they remain and was told, "They're waiting for the 'Grand Memorial.'"  (Perhaps a prayer service would suffice?)

Wish we had the 'Day of the Dead' as they do in Mexico and Brazil- people wouldn't be so freaked out about all of this if it were part of our tradition.


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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 07:49 AM
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Your observation of cemetary spirits is curious one.  Why do they hang around long after they have died?  I wondered if it was due to ignorance, them hoping that their families and friends would return to a central place that they would know the body is is at, assuming that this would be the logical place to 'talk' to them at?  I know from previous experience that some are still waiting for somone to come along and tell them what to do next.  I won't record in cemetaries anymore, I find it much too sad.  My last recording was done in the childrens section, and a little girls voice said "Daddy won't come here anymore".  When I was there all I heard were cries for help, or people asking for what I presumed was a spouse or loved one, where were they?

I call these the 'lost people'.  And my goodness, they are all talking all at one time!!  They are desperately wanting someone to hear them!

The memorial theme is maybe a final wish that they are being recognized, after maybe being ignored for most of their lives?  The Day of the Dead may be a good concept, it would allow families with deceased loved ones to be able to get together on a designated day, no confusion in that.  I wonder what a recording session at a cemetary would be like on this day??  I bet pretty active, with so many talking and trying to interact. It would be good if other cultures were to try this and make it a tradition. 


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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 10:20 AM
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I know if I even think about going to the cemetary to my Mom's grave I'll hear, You don't have to go there anymore, she's not there!  Course I go anyway!  And another thing I have heard is that the people that go to heaven can't come back out and talk to us!  I don't know if this is true because Gary lies to me to get me to talk to him.  That's very frustating!   I told him one time that I was going to kill myself and come over there and shut him up (not really) and he said No don't do that, you'll hate it here and then you won't go to heaven!

So who knows!  I guess we'll have to wait and see for ourselves!


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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 11:25 AM
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I still stick to the theory that it just isn't as wonderful as we have all been taught to think it is when we pass.  For the most part it sounds miserable and confusing!!  I have wonder when it is suppose change into a wonderful existence??

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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 11:38 AM
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Lisa my humble opinion (being a Christian) is when Jesus comes back!  


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 Posted: Jul 26th, 2011 12:23 PM
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I totally agree with you on is the time in between that I think about.

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 Posted: Jul 31st, 2011 05:54 PM
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I've recorded individuals that are both "in the light" and "in shadow."  Some talk about being in "God's light."  They seem to be as individual as we are.  I don't feel pessimistic about infinite existence...

The rate not withstanding, it's probably possible to learn and evolve on the etheric plane (they certainly have time on their side, considering some occupy a particular property for hundreds of years).

Fun to ponder for sure!

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 Posted: Aug 25th, 2011 01:42 PM
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Kenda, what do the ones in shadow say?  as opposed to in the light?  I'm curious what the difference is if any!


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 Posted: Aug 25th, 2011 05:43 PM
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Hi Debbie,

The 'normal' shadow people that I've encountered seem to be emotionally challenged- the first was a suicide who sounded depressed and guilt-ridden.  He said, "I know what I've done.  I look in the mirror.  I see what I am."...He 'lightened' after his family had a celebration/ceremony dedicating a bench in a city park in his name.  The second shadow person sounded angry.  He and his mother evidently suffered a big difference of opinion "philosophically."  He talked about her not knowing "the truth."  She created a roadside memorial on the tree where he died and she tends it...he says this is not necessary.  The third shadow individual was also upset.  -Seems for all intents and purposes it's an emotional quality.

(I've not talked to any of the little shadow 'people.')

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 Posted: Aug 25th, 2011 05:48 PM
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That's interesting Kenda!  I think you are right.  The shadows sound like they are depressed or sad or something like that.  How come you never talked to one? 


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 Posted: Aug 25th, 2011 06:14 PM
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I've never talked to one of the little creature-shaped shadow beings.  Haven't encountered one yet- that I'm aware of.

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 Posted: Aug 26th, 2011 07:07 AM
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OOH!  Keep me posted on that one please!


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 07:32 AM
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Really? What do you mean ?


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 07:57 AM
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Landmine wrote: I mean- you really think there are EVPs there?

Hi Landmine,

Not to hijack this thread....but EVPs can be found in just about all recordings.

Here is one from the 2nd interview police did with Casey Anthony.

In the response index 3.9 to 5.8 seconds....there is a male voice that says in a melodic tone:

I'll shoot the baby for you

Here is the Un-Filtered version:

Attachment: Unfiltered-Anthony-27-23.29.wav (Downloaded 803 times)

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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 07:58 AM
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And the Filtered version:

Take Care,

Attachment: Filtered-Anthony- 27-23.29.wav (Downloaded 748 times)

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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:07 AM
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Landmine wrote:
I mean- you really think there are EVPs there?

Dear Landmine,

I dont think it, I know it! We don't all hear the same. It will take practice but it's there, believe it!


Last edited on Apr 1st, 2012 08:08 AM by drrh

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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:10 AM
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Maybe it's not as clear to you? I don't know the answer to that one! I am clairaudient so it's different for me.


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:11 AM
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Landmine wrote:
Drrh - if we both listen to a statement on the radio, chances are we will hear the same thing.


Not necessarily. Some here differently than others.


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:12 AM
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Landmine wrote:
Really? You arecliaraudiant? can you prove that?E

Sorry that posted twice. How would you like me to prove that?


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:16 AM
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Landmine wrote:
Drrh - if we both listen to a statement on the radio, chances are we will hear the same thing.

You said "you know it" --you know it is EVP. How do you know that it is EVP? Please explain how you know.

Sorry just saw this one. I don't quite know how to explain howvI know that it's Evp, but I have many people, friends that speak to me on a daily basis and I know who is talking at any given time.


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 Posted: Apr 1st, 2012 08:16 AM
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Landmine wrote:
Drrh - if we both listen to a statement on the radio, chances are we will hear the same thing.

You said "you know it" --you know it is EVP. How do you know that it is EVP? Please explain how you know.

Sorry just saw this one. I don't quite know how to explain howvI know that it's Evp, but I have many people, friends that speak to me on a daily basis and I know who is talking at any given time.


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