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Electromagnetic Communication Device  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Oct 4th, 2011 01:31 PM
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Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
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A few months ago a friend asked me to build a spirit box; this was the first time i had heard of the technology so, intrigued, i set about investigating.

I couldn't understand the echo chamber in the franks box design, i was sure it was entirely unnecessary and even potentially detrimental, since people seem to get results with 'shackhacks' which don't have the echo chamber.

I then looked at the design of the spiricom and realised instantly that the spiricom and the franks box, drawn as a block diagram, are exactly the same device. On a functional level they have different interpretations of one component - lets call it the 'modulation box'. Both devices use a raw audio signal (franks box uses sweep radio noise, spiricom uses tone generators) passed into the 'modulation box' and then recorded/ played back. the 'modulation box' takes the raw audio signal and transmits it into the atmosphere, where it can be modulated by a spirit or other entity, then the 'modulation box' receives the modulated signal and passes it to a recorder/ playback device. In a franks box the echo chamber is the modulation box, transmitting the raw audio source as audio; the spiricom transmits the raw audio source as am radio.

So, both men built exactly the same device in very different ways. William O'Neill claimed to have assistance from the spirit world in designing his spiricom. Frank Sumption was working on his sweep radio design when he says he received a suggestion from the spiritworld to include the echo chamber in his design.

Realising that if both men had been instructed to build the same device yet used very different implemetations, i feel it is reasonable to assume a certain amount of misinterpretation. If this is the case then it is possible neither device is precisely what the spirit world evidently want us to build.

Current theory and evidence suggest that spirits can manipulate electromagnetic energy better than any other. So why not communicate through EM?

Electromagnetic Communication Device

I realise this has been rather long winded but here is my conclusion:

using the same block diagram as O'Neill and Sumption, lets make a device that will transmit a raw audio signal as an electromagnetic field, then receive it (hopefully modulated) and play it back.

I have made a very simple electromagnetic coil attached to a 3.5mm headphone jack. I connect this to my audio source (mobile phone playing spiricom tones mp3) my receiver coil (exactly the same as transmitter coil) was a little fuzzy because the magnetic wire was too thick, so i bought a telephone pickup coil very cheap from maplin (uk) and use that as receiver. I have connected these with a cardboard tube to hold them about 4 inches apart and sound quality is crystal clear.

I have had no chance to field test this device yet, so cannot report any success. I am describing it here in the hope that someone else will make and test one, as i'm not sure when i will be able to test it.

If you're still reading then thank you and i hope this has been of some interest

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2011 02:06 PM
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Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
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Dear member,

I have been studying the spirit communications phenomenon from random tosses of rune stones, chinese coins, reading of shuffled tarot cards, and recently the reception of random radio vocals on scanning radio receivers. I have decided that the information is carried by the seemingly random variations of the different methods, not by scalar fields or electromagnetic fields.

Presumptions about the spirit voices being modulated on the Spiricom tone signal are not correct. It is atmospheric noise on an open frequency of an AM receiver at around 29 Mhz, in the original system, that contains the voices and the Spiricom tones that tend to enhance the voices above the noise received at that frequency.

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 Posted: Oct 14th, 2011 11:45 AM
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Dear n30,

Experimenters looking for earth sounds have built receivers that respond to base band or audible frequencies that are generated from the earth and can be detected on magnetic fields. They have sensitivity similar to radio frequency receivers but are designed to amplify audio frequencies and filter out power line interference at 60 Hz.

The typical sounds heard are buzzes, clicks, whistles, but angelic choirs, and voices are also heard.The block diagram for these would be similar to a magnetic coil connected to a device like an audio recorder with sufficient gain to record and play back the earth sounds.


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 Posted: Oct 15th, 2011 06:01 AM
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joecioppi wrote:
I have decided that the information is carried by the seemingly random variations of the different methods, not by scalar fields or electromagnetic fields.

I completely agree Joe.  I appears that the random variation itself in any "signal" is somehow being used (modulated?) to transduce the information from nonphysical reality to our physical reality.

The prototype I am working on lately is intended pickup ONLY random noise from a suitable field, electrostatic, electric, magnetic, etc.  The device is being designed to add the smallest amount of noise (zero would be ideal) to that random signal as possible in the course of amplifying it to audible levels.

Also, I found a book that should be required reading for experimenters in this field.  "Paranormal Technology" by David M. Rountree is the book.  This guy is a little too overboard on technical side and lacking much if any metaphysical background, but his book is a gold mine of information




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 Posted: Oct 15th, 2011 11:49 AM
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Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
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Hi Bruce,

Random behavior of frequencies is present in almost any noise source. Electrical noise is convenient for electronics designers to generate and use as a contact with the random behavior inherent in the universe.

If one is to use a wide band source like a diode junction source used to produce white noise that source can be built in a convenient package that can be shielded from power source interference which contains regular periodic waves that are not strictly random. One can filter out narrow bands of frequencies of vocal frequencies that contain voices. Other bands can contain intelligence that can be used to generate computer data for voice synthesis or video data for spirit pictures.

It still requires the users intelligence to detect the intelligence in the random sources.Random data or frequencies without intelligence is not recognized.

What do you think of all of that?


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 Posted: Jun 16th, 2017 08:44 PM
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Tobias Claren

Joined: Jun 9th, 2017
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For "earth bound spirits", or itc voices?
I think you mean "ghosts", because of using the term "spirit box"? A "ghost hunting spirit box"?

In theory, "earth-bound spirits" and "ITC-Souls" does not manipulate existing EM-Fields, they generate their own fields.
Read about the ITC-experiment 1971 at Belling and Lee in Enfield. A tape recorder in a faraday cage (or faraday room), thats all.
And they had received voices.

And why this extra "noise"?
Is there a proof or "test series", that this is better?
Logically, as little noise as possible.
Very low baseline noise of an amplifier (microphone amplifier, Rekodrer ...).

And in a German ITC magazine (80'ss) they are contending that tape recorders worked better than newer recorders. But that may have been imagination. This is not a free magazine. I just read an old article on the Internet.

Tape recorders had coils.
Especially the coil on the tape.
Take a coil instead of a microphone.
For example, a Telephone pick-up coil.
And you will get only EM, not sound waves.
With a stereo microphone-amp or recorder you could hear/record both at the same time. EM, and for the context sound waves from a microphone.

Perhaps in a faradayan cage. But this is a option for ITC.
Because, ITC "voices" allegedly speak direct from "there" to here".

Possibly, ghosts on Earth emit EM fields and do not speak exactly and consciously into the technique.
You know what I mean?

A Faraday cage would be an advantage to avoid external influences.
But it should also not prevent results.

What is the current experience and theory?

Do you hear local spirits in a device that is shielded in a Faraday cage?
There are also bags for "Spirit boxes".
But it must be sure that you not only hear ITC voices (great success, but not the goal here), but local spirits.

The same with a radio receiver.
There is a Faraday cage even more meaningful.
The fast scanning with a radio, is only to prevent you to hear speech shards of radio stations?
If you put a radio receiver into a Faraday cage (or bag), you can do without fast scanning, or not?
Because "ghosts" would be a natural EM source, they would have to "send" over a relatively wide frequency range.
Therefore it would be ideal, you could operate a radio receiver without limiting to a frequency in a Faraday cage.
For example, the "Psychophone" (pcb layout in the internet, not the T. A. Edison myth).
A "radio", that receive many frequencies (a wide range) at the same time.

Best way, both at the same time.
EM and radio...
But with, or without faraday cage (for local "earth bound" spirits)?

Recording is certainly not unimportant. As a proof etc..
But then you have 3 channels:
1. EM, 2. radio and 3. sound waves (for context, questions of users, exact insert in videos with "plural eyes" etc.).

Impractical. Stereorecorders and stereo tracks are common.
EM and radio to a single "ghost" channel.
Possible problem:
EM-Field (via the "telephone pickup coil", or similar coil [values?]) over a low-noise microphone amplifier or recorder is low-noise. It's good.
If the radio receiver has a ground noise, it makes the low-noise signal of the EM receiver "dirtier".

Last edited on Jun 16th, 2017 08:57 PM by Tobias Claren

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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2017 05:27 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hi Tobias,

In order to receive a reply from Joe you would need to perhaps use your own ITC techniques to contact him - he transitioned years ago.

Regarding an opinion on the matter..... energy...

Therefore personally I feel, and current personal experience shows....that any application of energy when combined with intent and put into a method or practice of ITC...will yield results.

I don't use sweep tuning or ghost boxes, etc because I personally prefer to remove the variable of human voice. As our streams will show.


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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2017 09:56 PM
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Tobias Claren

Joined: Jun 9th, 2017
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OK... Did Joe possiply react to contact attempts? Was it tried?
It was for all, and TO is "n30g30".

Are there values (impendance, and?) for a coil, for best results? Of course, there are "telephone pick-up coils", but with values, i would have more freedom, and could take usual coils from ellectronic markets, online dealers etc.
TPC are rare, and I would have to order from a few dealers abroad.

Last edited on Jun 20th, 2017 09:57 PM by Tobias Claren

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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2017 10:13 PM
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Keith Clark

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I have yet to see any published or cohesive thoughts of any kind regarding modification of radios and what has been shown to be better or more productive for experiments. It seems to be a free-for all - which means if you have technical knowledge, then it is up to you to develop and prove your own theories.

Did he react to contact attempts? I'm sorry, I don't even know what that means.

I also do not subscribe to the belief that only earthbound spirits cannot appear in a Faraday cage. (If I understood correctly)

My reply is: always go with your own intuition.


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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2017 10:47 PM
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Tobias Claren

Joined: Jun 9th, 2017
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I had meant "ITC to Joe".
The ITC assumes that it does not end after the physical "death".

Yes, experiments and intuition.
But currently, I looking the best values for a coil.
There are some dealers with "pick-up coils" without values, and one dealer with two versions.
* CP-36 φ36x25mm DCR=250Ω / 250Ω+/-10%) and
* CP-22 φ36x25mm DCR=390Ω / L=112mH +/-10% @1Khz

Or better a bigger pure coil, self soldered with cable etc.?

I have no special knowledge, but my thought:
3 channels.
1. Microphone: Sound waves via microphone (context, questionnaire, surround noise, etc.)
2. EM field over coil.
3. Radio reception (Ghost Box, ITC- "Psychophon" [reception on all frequencies at the same time, but in faraday cage, against radio stations])
Compromise: Combination of EM and radio reception in a channel.
Disadvantage: You have good low-noise sound from EM coil, and mix it with rushing radio ...
Solution? Are there radios with low noise, like a good modern field recorder?

A single mobile device for ITC and local spirits.

Last edited on Jun 20th, 2017 10:48 PM by Tobias Claren

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 Posted: Jun 25th, 2017 08:56 PM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
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@ Tobias: Without a circuit digram of what you are trying to do it is not possible to give any recommendation for values of coils, or indeed any other components.

Unfortunately, for at least 50 years, there have been no obvious breakthroughs for reliable communication with 'the other side'. If there had been, I expect this and similar forums would be where you would hear about it first.

In this age of computer enhanced communications where signals can be received 27dB below the noise (possible for at least 30 years), the fact that this has not been extended to those on the other side speaks volumes to me.

Surely, little by little, development with help from the 'diseased' should have lead to some breakthrough by now, along then lines of The Spiricom. Look how that turned out!

I'm very sorry to say this, but I am beginning to doubt if anyone has made any progress at all since Konstantīns Raudive - but I am more than happy to be proved wrong.


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 Posted: Jun 26th, 2017 12:50 AM
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I doubt that a "breakthrough" will be a technical one. To me it seems that ITC is primarily a psychic (mind-matter interaction) phenomenon, so in order to improve the ITC results, the operator will have to develop him/herself or improve his/her psychic abilities.


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 Posted: Jun 26th, 2017 08:39 AM
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Tobias Claren

Joined: Jun 9th, 2017
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I am not looking for a coil for an effective circuit.
I have no knowledge of electronic circuits.
I want to use a coil instead of the microphone to a microphone amplifier.
I can simply use a "telephone pick-up coil" which is intended for this purpose. I just want to know if there are single coils that I can use instead.
The same like in this telephone pick-up coils, or perhaps better a coil with a larger or smaller impedance or a larger or smaller diameter, etc..
Perhaps there is a coil, that is more suitable for this purpose.
No attempt to achieve a "breakthrough".
Simply combine tried and tested existing technology into one device.

In the attachment is a telephone pick-up coil.

P.S.: If I click "edit", I see only the first version, not the actual...

Attached Image (viewed 431 times):

telephone pick-up coil.jpg

Last edited on Jun 26th, 2017 08:55 AM by Tobias Claren

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