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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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 Posted: Jul 10th, 2009 04:22 PM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Welcome Harpo,
Passage within the realm of paranormal investigation begins at a huge crossroad.  The many paths available for you to travel depends on answering one big question:
What do you want out of this? 
Keep in mind that the answer to the big question depends on you being honest with yourself with regards to things like:
 Are you looking for a “cheap thrill” or do you want to engage in serious research? 
What is your scare threshold?
How gullible are you?
How much time and money are you willing to invest?
I certainly don’t want you to answer these questions out loud for us.  Their only purpose is to get you to be realistic about yourself, your limitations and your goals. 
In a world of over 6 ½ billion people (living that is) my opinion means little.  That being said,  I shall nevertheless share some of my thoughts with you.
For others who read this….I mean no offense and I apologize up front if you get upset.  All I can ever do is speak from my own observations and experiences.
I think the worst thing someone can do is to adopt a monkey see monkey do mentality.  
Yes…ghost hunting shows on tv get the credit for bringing the phenomenon to a wider audience.
 Yes….the groups that have followed in their footsteps do serve a purpose and do in fact contribute to the cause,  but in my opinion,  they are by no means the be-all-end-all of paranormal research.
These shows are like anything else on TV.  The cast is made up of people who; for their own personal reasons,  have agreed to some producer’s idea for a reality based tv show.  Once that happens,  control is shifted to the producers, directors and marketing folks.  It is a results driven commodity that lives or dies by the ratings.  
The best thing you can do is to study.  Begin with the history of this phenomenon and go from there.  As you get closer to deciding if and what you want to do,  then study equipment and their shortfalls. 
A good place to get opinions on equipment is:
While I don’t agree with some of Ken’s esoteric practices,  we do share a healthy disdain for people who stand to make a buck off of us.
The different articles on his website go into some detail and demonstrate by example;  the flaws and limitations of things like digital cameras, IR thermometers and other pieces of equipment.  A visit to this website could probably save you some or your hard earned money.
One example is the K2 meter.  If you do some research,  you will find the K2 is based on technology from the 1960’s.  The K2 is popular…but only because it was shown on tv.  A $12 emf meter has the same capabilities.
 As far as your other questions:
Do you have to go to a graveyard or some allegedly haunted location….no.
Can you do EVP or Radio Sweep in your own home…..yes
Will you “release the hounds of hell”…….it depends on your fear factor
As far as the Short Wave IR Camera you mention…the only difference between this and a Camcorder with IR capability is in the wavelength of IR light the sensor picks up. Could it be helpful….possibly….but for that kind of money,  you could get by a lot cheaper and do a modification to a digital camera that would give you full spectrum capability.
My best advice is to sit back, relax, and research the various methods of spirit contact before running out and spending any money.

Keith’s ITC Bridge is intended to be experienced in the comfort of one’s home….for free!
There are people on this forum that are willing share their knowledge and help you along if you ask.

And who could very well be the person who's research has a direct and paramount effect on this field by thinking outside of the box so to speak. 

Once again….welcome!

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 Posted: Jul 12th, 2009 02:10 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hi Harpo,

I can share some of the concerns as mentioned by Ron, and would like to make some comments of my own.

Spirit communication is as natural as the air you breathe. It is not necessary to visit a "haunted" location to communicate with spirit. All of us already communicate with spirit, whether we are aware of it or not. But yes, even I tried recording in graveyards, and came to the conclusion that it was not necessary, and actually now feel that it works contrary to the advancement of spiritualism and communication with spirit by proliferating the myth of fear and excitement of entertainment.

As you can tell, some of Ron's comments are in defense of the true nature of spirit communication, which is currently in conflict with the way it is presented in the media. Most people feel that once you become famous or are educated in a particular field, that you have an obligation to share the truth with others - not manufactured truth in bits and pieces, but the whole truth. Yet when we look at today's media, we can probably easily count the people that we see who hold true to the knowledge that they have obtained. You will find that the truth lies in the areas free of descriptions of fear, horror, ghosts, and "evil" spirits.

We welcome your desire to seek deeper and find out for yourself what spirit communication really means to you, and what role you can play in coming age of enlightenment.

You may find that all of this interests you to a deep degree, and we hope that you see past the surface of spirit communication as presented by the media, and come to an even deeper understanding of what it really means. We look forward to the experiences you will share with us here on the forum.

As far as the camera you mentioned, I do feel that any technology can be applied towards the study of and development of methods of communication with spirit; however, because of the cost associated with such cameras, few people have the opportunity. I hope to use them someday in my work.


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 Posted: Jul 13th, 2009 12:31 PM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Hello Harpo 103,

There is nothing wrong with doing the group thing.  You can learn a lot being part of a team.  Well-trained, disciplined groups provide a valuable service to their communities.

They are….in a sense; on the front lines of this field;  helping total strangers who are genuinely frightened at the very notion that “something is going on”.   

A new group formed in our area and I’ve had the founder of that group here at the house to sit in on our EVP sessions.  We discuss theories, exchange ideas and even collaborate on experiments.  I have transcribed a couple of his EVP sessions so they can be used as a training tool for new members.  So while I myself am not part of any group,  I still respect the work they do.  

As far as your comment:  

“Maybe, I am a poor medium for such things? I don't know. But, taking such a device or devices to locations which are known to have some sort of activity, would interest me more than sitting in my kitchen talking to a transistor radio.”  

Those of us who do EVP work appear to be talking to themselves.  :biggrin:

My wife and I do straight up EVP with digital recorders here in our home.  The first three sessions were a total wash and we were about to give up.  I decided to give it one more shot and lo and behold we got a single response to a question of what a person did for work.  The response was  “a doctor”  

And it has grown from there and is now at the point where it sounds like we have an entire stadium of voices coming through. 

Hang in there.  It takes time…and like the old saying goes:  

Slow and steady wins the race.    

Good luck,

Last edited on Jul 13th, 2009 05:32 PM by ArizonaEvp

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 Posted: Jul 30th, 2009 09:39 AM
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Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662

Even my wife says I start looking a little "woolly" after not shaving for a couple of days.  :biggrin: 

I don't do radio sweep,  but if you choose to try straight EVPs,  you can get responses basically anytime of the day or night.

Gotta go...time to feed the squirrels. 


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 Posted: Jun 13th, 2011 04:43 PM
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Joined: Jun 13th, 2011
Location: Florida USA
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I am not horribly experienced, only really focusing my interests in the past couple of months. But like any other hobby/pastime.... dare I say obsession?

You take out of it exactly what you take into it.

Keep an open heart and mind, but not so open you loose either of them.

Keep notes and documentation of everything. Audio, visual, a journal book. Helps to spot trends and a handy review of something that may not have sprung to your conscious the first time out.

And of course, exposure and practice. I remember when a lad, a friend of mine would spin the dial on his Ham radio rig and pick out garbled voices as if they were clear as day. He said the trick was to just develop your ear. So keep at it - and with intent to review logs of recordings in concordance with the statement above. ;>

I really, honestly do not expect to find anything of value the first time I decide to take my modded Rad Shack digital tuner out back behind the woods and field. What may come, comes. Either way, it's going to be recorded. :D

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