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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Happy New Year all. Dr. Rorke went to Florida at the end of Dec. 2008, and on new years day, he and Tom Pratt went to the storage facility that the actual Spiricom device has been stored in for years. They did power it up... I was standing by on my end in Seattle with my recorder next to my speaker phone.... I do have a short bit of audio of this call posted at :                                                

There are pictures of this event posted now as well. There is so much information regarding Spiricom and the people involved, but one thing I am leaning on at this point unfortunately is this.... it may very well have been a huge deception, and without Bill O'Neil and the all important electro-larynx, the Spiricom may be somewhat of a disappointment.

Just to make it QUITE clear... neither Dr. Rorke or myself are implying that the phenomenon or field of EVP are bogus because of this. I for one have surprised myself, and from what I have witnessed for over twelve years now, others too when it comes to the audio evidence I can come up with in my own ITC experiments, indicating that there's definitely something all around us that is available to connect with. Rorke is very dedicated to following through with tracking down and adding up leads... I've noticed that some people jump to an incorrect assumption/conclusion that he is intending to debunk EVP in general.. This is an incorrect assessment !

I am not just pointing this out here BTW.. I read forums on many websites... Rorke is very aware that evp holds potential for observing unique evidence of profound importance. He has mutually experienced strange EVP interruptions with me during our phone calls.. even though he could not hear these EVP bursts as they occurred, he certainly has heard the recordings I've made on my end, and one in particular shook him a little, since it was an identical message to one that he'd found earlier on in a totally different location while conducting an evp recording session  . Here's a link to a page that's got a couple dozen examples of some of these :


I do want to offer people the opportunity to check this stuff out if they care to..

         Take care ........... Brian J.

PS : just yesterday, Rorke forwarded me a pdf copy of yet another very rare polaroid photo of Bill O'Neil in his cowboy hat & costume, holding a ventriloquism dummy. He also included a few pictures of O'Neil's burned out house in rural Pennsylvania, where he continued to live while left in this condition. This house is the location where he reportedly conducted the Spiricom recording sessions.

I've posted these along with the forementioned material. There will be MUCH more posted within the next few days !

Last edited on Jan 7th, 2009 11:53 AM by Brian Jones


Joined: Oct 16th, 2008
Posts: 301
I have always been interested in the recordings made(listening to) with the spiricom.
When I seen your post I went to your site to see the picture's you mentioned and to listen to the recording you made of the Spiricom being powered up from Florida.
This maybe nothing BUT as I listened I noticed something and it rasied a question,
Excuse me for asking but when you recorded that clip where you alone? and/or did someone whisper to you? or did you move some paper around at this certain point of your recording?
I going to stick my neck out here and say I THINK I am hearing (after your words) "He's Had Enough"
and in addition when I play that section in reverse I hear,
"We Love Coffee"
Do you know what this sound is or,
Is this a possible EVP?
Sorry for asking

Attachment: BrianJClip.wav (Downloaded 1145 times)

Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi Ray,

I went and ran your edited sound clip through Goldwave.... I think you've picked up on something... I heard that sound, and figured it was a noise I made near the mic. I'm trying not to notice evp these days, but I think you've got some good perceptions

.... I'm also quite pleased to hear that you run things backwards as well. When it comes to evp, I think only listening to them forward is like trying to cross a busy street looking only one way when two are called for. I could hear close to both of your suggestions... I'm sure we both are aware of how powerful suggestion can be, but I mean it when I tell you that you and I hear sounds a little bit the same way. I send evp or speech reversals to people, and SO often, they claim to hear totally different things than I do... I do appreciate your effort here.

BTW, I am going to post a couple or more obscure O'Neil audio recordings a little later tonight. Rorke has sent me a stack of audio CDs that he's tranferred much of Spiricom era related material that's been stored all these years on cassettes onto these discs. He sent me some 3/4" video tapes that I took to a local motion picture service and had converted into DVDs. So far, I've got George Meek giving a lecture labeled as " SFF MEETING 5/31/91 " It's a bit of a mystery... does anyone here have any knowledge of what this is ? I've never talked with Tom Pratt, and I'm staying off to the side.. I haven't asked Stephen if he knows what this was. I have LOTS of material I will post on the Spiricom Study website, after I get caught up on that... I'll have a list of questions.. this will still be one of them.

We've just taken five 3/4" video Reels and one more 3/4" video cassette back to the service... waiting to see what's on these.... Eventually... once I know how to, I'll be posting some of this video material on the site as well.

Gotta run, I'll be back a little later to add more audio to this page : 

      Thanks again Ray .......... Brian

PS : this attached file is an audio excerpt ( forward )  from one of the two O'Neil sound files I posted last night

Attachment: play.mp3 (Downloaded 1341 times)

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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hi Karlos,

The website link Brian posted will give you all the information you need to know. Please go there if you want to know what it is about.



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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
For Karlos.... I just now have found and read your question to me... I would have addressed this long ago if I had ever before known of your question. I do very much appreciate your direct approach !! I am not trying to debunk evp/itc. I know that there is something very real about both... I wouldn't be so assuming to even think I know what is going on with this stuff, I'll leave that to the 'experts'.. but I tap into these ' voices ' all the time for input.

As far as Spiricom goes.. there are many data points that do not ring true... I don't really care anymore.. I posted here how in my analyzing new material Dr. Rorke sent me to analyze seemed to strangely have bursts where the name ' Brian ' jumped out at me multiple times, and that as far as I could tell, this was on the original MetaScience recordings.. Keith Clark is the only person who offered any feedback on this point, and Dr. Rorke has pretty much dismissed it. I guess I've lost my interest in sacrificing so much of my time and energy to bringing the energy levels up with ITC. I was mistaken to a huge degree of what the response to my countless inquiries would be, so as far as I can tell right now, I am done wasting my time going public beyond casual gestures. I can say this though. My personal connections to phenomena have continued to grow, and especially lately !

So Karlos, I can say if I was to debunk anything about evp/itc, it would be to honestly shoot holes in the 'expert's' claims of their self professed assumptions about what all this means. But I doubt I'll even bother with that, it's all pretty boring to me now. And that is not to say I'm better than that, just that it does not interest me to waste my energy talking about it much... I guess as usual, I say and write much more than three words... I hope I was clear enough. If not, I will certainly follow up with any other comments you'd care to post towards me.

PS : I'm not saying this attached material is any breakthrough, but it will give you an idea of the interruptions I get when I am on certain cell. phone calls.

Attachment: raynowash.mp3 (Downloaded 2325 times)

Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
PS .. a few posts back... the audio attachment I labeled as ' play '... is a so called speech reversal of the original alleged Spiricom ' Dr. Mueller ' voice coming through the Spiricom, from recently obtained original Spiricom material that Rorke personally received from the legit president of the remnants of the MetaScience foundation. I hear it as :

" play this backward " .... imagine that !

                  Brian J.

PS : we say we want to know more from the audio scraps of history we can find... I wonder if anyone gets why I am a bit frustrated after having invested over a decade and thousands of my hours into ITC, only to have pretty much no one even notice what I am tapping into. I doubt it after all the years I've tried... just wanted to mention it, but I pretty much am at the point where I'm past wasting my energy to such a huge degree, and I never applied myself to this serious endeavor for fun! I hope someone benefits from my offerings.

PPS : on review of the above noted audio sample, maybe it wasn't a 'speech reversal'
it might have actually been formed in the forward flow of original sounds... it's been awhile since I'd found and documented this, so I'm not really sure... just caught the discrepancy, and it no doubt concerns me more than most, so I am happy to have caught this..

Last edited on Nov 17th, 2009 09:33 PM by Brian Jones

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