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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Keith Clark, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Mar 15th, 2008
Posts: 55
As you perhaps already know, Frank Sumption, the inventor of the 'Spirit Box', has passed away last sunday.

We had contact for the first time in June 2001, when he joined the AA-EVP e-mail group. At this time, my EVPmaker software was only 1 year old, and Frank started to use it, until he developed a device which worked similar to EVPmaker.

In my e-mail archive, I found this "historical" e-mail which documents the birth of a device which should later become famous as 'Frank's Box' (although he didn't like this name):

Date: Thursday, April 4, 2002, 12:24:04 AM
Subject: An analog EVPmaker

Hi Stefan;

I think EVPmaker works extremely well, but some people seem to have trouble with it, I guess just because it's computer based. It also seems to be limited to a certain level of spirits.

I wanted to come up with a way to get the spirit voices on tape, and also try to get direct voice. I didn't like using noise methods, because it makes my ears ring after listening through the noise for the weak voices. I needed something like EVPmaker, that has bits of speech, as well as music, and static that can be used as raw material. I knew that some people get good results from using the radio as a noise source, so the idea I got was to randomly tune a broadcast band radio, and use the audio output as the raw material for the spirit voices.

I used a white noise generator, amplifying, and filtering the noise down to a low frequency. Then rectifying the low frequency noise, so that I got pulses that occur randomly, and also vary in amplitude randomly, right now I've got them set about 5 ms long, and 10 to 20 hz. I can change the pulse width and frequency with only two capacitors. I'm building a radio receiver with a voltage controlled oscillator, that will be controlled by the random pulses, (another possiblity is to use the AM module from a digital radio). The output speaker will be mounted in the end of a wooden box, with the mic for the tape deck mounted in the other end. The box acts as a kind of echo chamber. Hopefully, the spirits will be able to modify the sound on it's way to the mic. I'm still bread boarding circuits, but it seemed like an idea others might want to play with. I tried expressing it on the egroup, but it seems like if it's too technical, it goes over most of thier heads.

Frank Sumption

...and the rest is history.

Now Frank's spirit went into another dimension, where we all will go eventually.

See you, Frank!


Joined: Dec 6th, 2011
Posts: 6
Ive been absent for a long time, but wanted to post to pay my respect to Frank.

A fund has been set up for Franks family by Tim Woolworth of ITC Voices to help pay for final costs.

A number of the ghost box community have collectively donated equipment to go into a draw for those donating money to help Franks Family.

If Keith or Admin feels that the link or post asking for donations for his family is inappropriate please edit, i just felt this was important.

No matter what each individual thinks of various factions of ITC research in reality the community is small, and each contribution to moving our research forward should have acknowledgement and respect.

peace to all

peace to Frank.

Last edited on Aug 22nd, 2014 02:36 AM by siteseer

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Not at all inappropriate.......and we kindly thank you for sharing it with us....

we fully support this effort.....we've been considering writing something it is being done across the internet, and as it seems there were 2 other box makers who have well as other people known in the field of working with spirit.... our current plan is to likely have a page on our new up and coming website in honor of these people...

I've posted on facebook in various circles regarding our appreciation of Frank's contribution and his persistence...



Joined: Jun 8th, 2008
Location: Maine USA
Posts: 74
Hello Frank,

I know along time ago in your chat I learned about you; he was a HAM Operator as I am I think; very good with electronics. We did however have our disagreements and agreed to disagree on the various electronics means of which he was so adept at.

Afterall if he got abstract ideas from - out there - there anrt too many of us who can put those things together electronically; he was quite amazing, had a good following, and his work lives on.

I send my condolences ... with this and the passing of Robin Williams and Erland Babcock a few years ago it has been kind of sad...we will get thru these times and continue onward ...

Mr Zeta

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