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Hello from Milan  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Jul 15th, 2007 06:00 AM
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Joined: Jul 8th, 2007
Location: Lund, Sweden
Posts: 8
Hi Everyone,
I came across this site doing a google search and found it quite interesting a lot more up to date than

Just a quick background, I became somewhat interested in EVP/ITC after my girlfriend passed away some months ago. Had a bit of success with EVP, with the voices being extremely clear also, but once and only once.

My questions now is to the more experienced people. Reading different websites on ITC, I've become more and more confused at times, about the reality of the afterlife. I do not doubt the afterlife but I see some contradictions frome one source to the next. I'm hoping that some of the more experienced people could perhaps clarify some things for me.

The first one that struck me was a long article on

In this article, a contact Swejen Salter tells Prof. Senkowski that the average age of people in the afterlife is about 25-30. If true that's great, who wants to get old :-). However, I notice that a lot of the Spirit Faces photos that Macy has are considerably older ... see Frederich Juregenson for instance.

Meek, in his book After We Die What Then ... states that sexual relations are impossible in the afterlife, whilst Salter says the opposite.

I'm hope that no one thinks I'm trying to doubt here, just have some of these "contradictions" potentiall cleared up by more experienced people.


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 Posted: Jul 15th, 2007 07:59 AM
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Joined: Jul 4th, 2007
Posts: 10
Hi Milan

Welcome to the forum.  You raised an interesting question regarding ones in spirit being of a young age.  Yes, that exact question has popped up in my mind as well.  Some say spirit show/speech as themselves more to there age of passing on earth. 

I recall an explanation that when spirit lower there vibrations to communicate to the earth environment they transcend to the state of age before there physical death.  It really depends on who you talk to I guess, but an interesting point all the same.

It seems to be a much different place in the Astral world.  When you start to look into it, as you close doors, even more seem to open.


Andrew :wink:

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 Posted: Jul 15th, 2007 02:18 PM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
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Hi Milan and welcome to the site..:)

  Ok I will also try to answer some of the questions you raised..

  To be honest nobody knows the truth..  We can only go on what research has from studying the subject of Etheric beings...

  I myself like to follow the believe that all Etheric being remain the same age and personality as when they passed over.  I feel that sexual relationships and material things are not thought of has they was on earth, if we think of the spirit as energy seeing us as beams of light as other spirit beings, love will come to mind rather than actually need for physical touch (if that makes sense)  I believe that when A person passes, they will always remain close to the ones they loved on earth and to beings that have passed before them.;  I feel as spiritual beings they gain more insight from this lesson of their material life (just gone) and things that concern us at present (such as money worries or jobs etc)  is earthly thinking, because as etheric being they have an high insight to things but in a different way..  They still have to work hard to gain more spiritual insight through a connective energy way...

Also take alook at Tom Butlers site, it might be of interest to you...

   hope this helps, and this is just my personal view from my research, take care, Lance.:)

Last edited on Jul 15th, 2007 05:14 PM by lance

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 Posted: Jul 16th, 2007 03:54 AM
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Location: Lund, Sweden
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Thanks Andrew and Lance for the replies. I read some of Tom Butler's website. Quite interesting, and the Fractal Approach to reality mirrors the Holographic approach to reality quite nicely.

Regarding the other points, I guess I was wondering what the general cosensus is, as Meek says one thing whereas other OBEers like Moen for instance say another.



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 Posted: Jul 18th, 2007 07:59 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hi Milan,

Nice to meet you, and thanks for the questions - I think they're on quite a few people's minds. Better yet, I'd like to join you in finding out the answer. Haven't really had anybody ask those kind of questions yet. I think most people are afraid.

Now, I can't answer them - but I know who can. Why not ask the other side directly? I'll give more info later - first I'll email the appropriate people who may be able to ask spirit those questions directly.

That being said, here's my opinion - based on research I've done so far. I believe that yes, there can still be sexual relations in the afterlife - or more specifically the next "level." Now, I do think that it may be slightly different - and not exactly the same as the way it is expressed here. What I mean is here it is both a part of nature and expression of feelings and love. Here we have the physical need to procreate. There - I don't think there is a need.

We know that they eat, drink, think, work, play, sing, and do many other things that we do now. I think there is also the equivalent of what we crave in regards to physical and emotional needs.

So I believe that sex does still exist and occur in the afterlife, but (maybe??) that the more we grow in spirit the less an act of physical expression will be desired by us. .......................and with that being said - Here's my question --

If we evolve and move forward on our spiritual path to the point where physical connection is no longer a reality, desired, or required - doesn't something better take it's place?? I think so.


The answer to the other question about age is at The Circle of the Silver Chord website (I'm pretty sure) I advise looking through their cross-reference of information and listening to some of the audio files. It's very current - all of the recordings have been in the last year.

My thoughts are that in order to communicate and produce a physical representation of who they are (because they don't have the equivalent of a physical body anymore), they connect with and adapt to the medium through which they're communicating, and that appears as the most recent physical form they experienced and inhabited here during life. (that was a long sentence!)

In a nutshell, I would like to know the exact answer also. I've seen the answer somewhere before, but can't recall it right now. Will let you know if I run across this topic.

See you on the forum!!!!


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 Posted: Jul 19th, 2007 01:36 AM
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Joined: Jul 8th, 2007
Location: Lund, Sweden
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Hi Keith,

Thanks so much for your reply. I agree with everything you said, and quite frankly I'm not too bothered whether there is the possibility of sex in the afterlife. As I interpret what you said, the feelings of love are much more stronger than any physical contact. And perhaps that's the beautf of it. My reason for asking this question initially was not so much out of curiosity to know whether I'll be able to still "do it" :wink: when I get there, but rather I was trying to sort out all the information I have read about the afterlife and some things which tend to contradict each other, at least in my mind. And this topic was one that actually stood out in my mind, with some sources saying "yes" others saying "no".

Nevertheless, I would be quite interested in what your collegues have to say.

Now if I only had more success contacting my departed girlfriend ... need to keep trying though.

Thanks again. I'll check out the Circle of the Silver Chord link you provided.


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