View single post by EVPDave
 Posted: Mar 31st, 2011 07:41 PM
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Joined: Mar 7th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 206
Today while making a batch of silver water I could hear a few voices during the process. The noisy part of the process involves the use of a small air pump with the hose inserted part way into a full gallon jug to make bubbles to circulate the water. I placed my cell phone on top of the jug and recorded via voip to my computer.

I did ask a few questions and got one answer before I spoke. This was one of the clearest captures. Attached is the clip and a photo of the set-up. Very easy if you have a cell phone and voip service on your computer like Skype , Vonage or OOMA. I will attach a photo of the set-up in the next post.

EVP: "Baldheim disciplines network"
Dave: (not EVP) "What is the name of your group please"

I also hear the first part as "Waldheim"

This is a good question to ask. I have logged a half dozen different groups since 2004. Let me know who you get.

Attachment: 031311baldheimdisciplinesnetwork.mp3 (Downloaded 1096 times)