View single post by clockdryve
 Posted: Mar 28th, 2011 10:26 AM
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Joined: Feb 7th, 2010
Location: Des Moines, Iowa USA
Posts: 425
This was recorded on March 19, 2011 using a Panasonic RR-DR60 along with a Sony ICD-B300 ...

The B300 capture nothing because I had both running same time in the same hand, and I reached out to change the timer countdown format and accidently shut the B300 off instead. That is where you will hear the "beep" sound at the start of this clip I will upload. Right after this beep sound you will hear my voice (I can't remember what I mumbled)...but I spoke 2 different times (2nd time was kinda like 2 parts). But while I spoke the first time you can hear a "louder" voice start to speak over the end of my first sentence...then you hear me again "slightly"...with no interferance. Then as I start to speak again the EVP speaks again (louder than me) and he says "catch you later" while he is totally covering up my words at the very end. This is a very small Cemetery out in the country and I can see all around. No one else was in the place but me at the time.


I waited on uploading this because I was trying to find what I was saying for awhile.

But I gave up on that as you can see :) The only thing I can understand was the last part of the EVP where he said "catch you later" (very easy to understand).


If anyone has any ideas I am open for suggestions.

Thanks for stopping and taking a look :)

Attachment: something very ODD at end of recording---when I accidently turned B300 off.wav (Downloaded 816 times)

Last edited on Mar 28th, 2011 10:29 AM by clockdryve