View single post by drrh
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2011 04:40 PM
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Joined: Aug 4th, 2010
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 528
That's the way I took it to mean Lora.  My guides tell me that we go to different places depending on the way we've lived our lives or died (i.e. suicide).    And different questions I ask, some are not allowed to have answers to.  They say they're not allowed to tell me certain things.  I ask why and am told, they're just  not allowed.  That some things I'm not supposed to know.   And they don't know why I'm not supposed to know.  It's fascinating!  I imagine some feel forgotten but no one is forgotten.  Just earth bound.  And why?  Ah, that's the question  isn't it?


Oh and I don't believe we stay in limbo.  At some point we go on to our designated destination. 

Last edited on Mar 12th, 2011 04:42 PM by drrh