View single post by mikesndbs
 Posted: Feb 28th, 2011 02:51 AM
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Joined: Nov 21st, 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 182

some clarification :-)

In this case open was used to indicate 'receptive to'

Yes, I was annoyed to find a earth loop buzz on the one channel so when I opened it I was not surprised to discover a bad connection.

There is a resistor with one of its legs sticking through the card cover that is meant to touch the foil wrapper.

He had not cleaned the leg and it still had gum on it, so I cleaned it and used a clip to attach it to the foil.

Yes, he has a foil wrapper around the circuits with a card insulator..


Anyway I tried it last night using just a simple cassette recorder.

I found it to be quite sensitive on its own.

The attached file (compressed and cut due to size limits here) will let you hear the results.

All I can hear is some bumps that might be due to tape impurities.

With no audio pick up, they are surprising all the same.

I don't hear any evp type voices but then I am bad at that.

Let me know?

Attachment: R.Diode27.2.11.mp3 (Downloaded 812 times)