View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Jan 16th, 2007 02:14 AM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hello people. I found this website by doing a Google search of my name and ITC. I saw that Keith had noted a recent interview I was part of, where we had evp interruptions during the show. One of the two hosts accurately interpretted the longest of these verbal interruptions.... we verified this once we had access to the audio archives of the show. Personally, I really believe that Dr. Stephen Rorke, who had been on in the beginning, but then dropped off, was definitely an integral part of this strange circuit. I have documented numerous interrupting voices while speaking with Dr. Rorke, as he is on his cell phone driving home from college nearly three thousand miles from where I am stationed.

I am going to be taking a whole new approach to my ITC work now.. I've been quite frustrated over my nine years of intense work in audio analysis and creatively experimental ITC work.. I will be more serious about presenting what I am part of achieving, as well as work to let go of my reactions to the resistence that quite often comes with attempting to enlist others in positions of being able to assist in my work.. I do not work with groups much.. I've consistently found that my concentration levels are much higher when I am alone or very close to it. I very often hear the short messages as they occur, and if I had the means to be able to access the resources, I'd very much like to pursue aiming at building a system to increase the communications.... I can't help but think that there's got to be a way to build instruments to enhance the signals to significant levels.

I suppose that's been my driving cause for years, but maybe I'm better of taking it as it comes, and focus on bettering the smaller steps along the way, and letting the bigger ones follow. Pretty soon, I'll get back to building my website, and I'll focus mainly on the " ITC Chronicles " section of 

I want to go have a look around the ITC Bridge website now, So thank you for reading this, and I'll look forward to visiting you all again soon ! ALSO, if anyone has any leads on radio programs that might be interested in hearing some of what I've been up to.. please let me know.. you can reach me through my website if you like. I am going to share one short soundfile I documented from the other night.. Jan. 12, 2007's ITC session. I think it will be obvious that I do hear many of these messages as they occur. I have a feeling things are going to break open much more at any moment.. this particular instrument produces many many more messages than it did three years ago when I put it on the shelf. I figure it's the fact that I personally have grown my connections during this time, and the instrument is just following along.

   Thank you again for reading this !

          Brian J.  Seattle,Wa. :thumbup1: 

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