View single post by Ty
 Posted: Feb 8th, 2011 11:55 AM
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drrh wrote: Hey Ty!  I can see alot of different eyes in most of these pics!  I think it was picture 4 that I think looks like a hand forming.  I noticed all or most of the eyes look really human, just like someone is looking back at you.  These are really Cool!


I've been trying to decide how often (or if at all) I should circle things that I think I see in these water pictures; I don't want to be seen as trying to influence what people see.  But, on the other hand, I can't help seeing what I see.  So, here are three of the pictures from above, with the most notable features (to me, anyway) circled.  In each case, what I see resembles human eyes. 

I've had a few people ask me whether I think it's possible that the eye images in the water pictures could be my own.  It's a fair question, but I just don't honestly believe it's possible.  Whenever I do a water reflection session, I place the bowl on the floor, or on the ground, if I'm outside.  I don't use a tripod, so what I do is attempt to hold the camera steady in my left hand.  I always keep the camera less than a foot above the surface of the bowl I'm using.  Just before I begin shooting video footage, I always lean back from the waist up, so as not to cast my shadow or reflection upon the surface of the water.  So (a) my face is not directly over the water's surface, and (b) the camera always comes between my upper body and the surface of the water.  I just don't see how it would be possible for my eye, or eyes, to be reflected on the water's surface with the camera always blocking that line of sight. 

Anyway, here are pictures 1, 5, and 8, with features circled.