View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Oct 8th, 2010 07:52 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
I'll stir the pot a bit then !
Here's a scenario - A new digital recorder is seen in Walmart for just $5. It seems to be a copy of a well regarded top of the line Sony. Functions are in the same places, looks the same and records very well. Someone posts about it and everyone shouts 'bargain'. However, someone else comes along and avoids it because the plastic breaks the first time it's dropped. That persons view is totally valid, even though everyone else thinks the recorder to be wonderful.
Every view point, in my opinion, makes up the whole feedback to what we post. A sincere difference of opinion from a rational standpoint is a bonus. And, sometimes if everyone says something the same about an audio clip and yet one person never does hear that, it's just time for different speakers lol

Several pointers used to be common when I was recording a few years back.
5 seconds before the EVP and 5 seconds after.
Not to say what you think it says, until a few days after posting.
Raw audio and cleaned up/processed for clarity audio to both be available for listening to.
Equipment used.
Ambient conditions.
Mental state when recording.
To wear good headphones when listening to a clip.
All of which I completely forgot about when I posted mine recently !

But, main thing perhaps, noone gains rewards for clarity or, as far as I know, protects a reputation in this field. We do it to further our connections with those who may be communicating from the other side. A lot of understandings from feedback to posts can help to extend a relationship with a deceased person. Sometimes giving the possibility of allowing a forwarding path for that person to cross over properly.