View single post by dkenda
 Posted: Sep 16th, 2010 11:18 AM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
The night before this recording I watched Bill Maher's video "Religulous." One of the trailers presented before the main attraction advertises the documentary "The US vs. John Lennon."  Impressed by the footage, I pondered whether anyone had John on recording.

Captured during a daily session in my home, within the following clip I hear two distinct voices between my utterances.  The first is a loud whisper saying "Get across.," which I believe alludes to my statement following the EVPs.  The second vocalization is John saying "I know people."  My statements reference finishing a video about EVP and hoping aloud that people will accept spirit communication as a possibility.

The only manipulation I've done on this clip is minor hiss removal, noise reduction and gentle mid frequencies boost.

Attachment: DW_A0453 7 29 2010 john lennon I know people (original clip).wav (Downloaded 974 times)