View single post by Spider
 Posted: Aug 27th, 2010 11:29 AM
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
FINALLY!  This is awesome Linda!!  I was finally able t sit down and take a good listen to see if there were any EVP's going on while you videoed this happening.

Sure enough, I got a man and younger sounding lady talking while this went on!  It starts at the very beginning, and they talk before and inbetween you counting and talking!

"Linda's friend is here" M

"she's with her" F whispered

"can she pull em?" M

"let me do it!" F

"go slower now" M

"Just let me do it" F

"we don't have to grind" M

"Should we pull it up, their heavy" F

"we moved it!" F

"You pulled that line" M

"Wow! we got it thru the window!" M

"It was hard thru the window" M

"Look at that!" F


That is what I heard.  Good stuff!  They were talking thru out the entire video.  The man mentioned 'Linda's friend', any idea who he might be talking about?  I believe the female talking is suppose to be the friend.

I always like to listen to the audio portion of any video's that I see, most of the time there are EVP's in them.  Just like your dog Jasmine's video, there was a lot of talking going on then.  In one part I heard "Here pup!", and that is when Jasmine walks off camera.  Pretty cool!
