View single post by ArizonaEvp
 Posted: Aug 24th, 2010 07:01 PM
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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Spider wrote: I don't know if anyone has ever experienced music being played while getting a response to a question asked during an EVP session?

I had recently done a session at my home, and I asked if there were any concerns or questions that anyone had, would they please voice them?  When I did a playback, although it was quite faint, the speech part, a man spoke and said he liked the piano, and directly after him saying this, you could hear a few notes being plunked on a tinny sounding piano!  The only thing close to a piano in my home is my grandson's electronic keyboard, and of course it was put away and in the off position!  It was just so strange!

  In the past at a cemetary, I had gotten what sounded like a carillon ringing out, when there was none around anywhere.  Also,  in the same cemetary area, there are train tracks that are close by, and when the train would enter an intersection it would blow it's whistle, and in the whistle sound, it sounded like a chorus of ladies singing!  Had I not known there was a train,  it could have been easily mistaken as just plain singing and not a whistle being blown, it was that clear!  It makes me wonder how this was possible, I thought perhaps residual sounds, but at the same time it was also interactive, having questions asked answered.

Any thoughts on this??

Thanks! Lisa

In Another Post You Also Wrote:

"I have asked for a long time, what am I,   I am not a psychic, am I clairaudient/sentient??  Am I a physical medium, and what the heck does that all entail??  I just know that I hear way more than the average joe out there, and I have certain situations occur, and trying to explain it to another can really be hard.Is it possible that the spirits adjust their frequencies in order to communicate with us, the living, in order make themselves known?  Is it a give and take sort of thing?  I know when I listen to EvP's it is like I am listening to the 'air' and am able to make out what is being said, like their speech is riding way above what is suppose to be a normal level for us, who are still living."

Hello Lisa,

Welcome to the forum. 

First off.....I too allow time for what I call an "open forum" for those on the other side to voice any questions, comments, concerns, recommendations & observations. 

Second......Yes,  I have occasionally gotten music in the response section of my EVP's.  I've heard what seemed to me to have been an Irish Jig.  I've also heard Disco music, choral music and other non-voice sound.  These are called ENP (electronic noise phenomenon) which also include things like gunshots and explosions.....which I have also recorded.

Third..........Regarding being able to more than the average Joe and listening to the air and hearing them.......welcome to the club. Don't be so conderned with your concerns. Enjoy it....I do. IMO; I think of it as some type of a neural link that occours..... possibly in the Organ of Corti; which is the portion of the inner ear that converts sound into electrical impulses. I rather enjoy the effect.

If you ever feel like sharing more......send me a PM.

Take Care,