View single post by Vicki Talbott
 Posted: Apr 9th, 2007 09:23 AM
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Vicki Talbott


Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 687
Hi all,

I got about 6 minutes of real time conversation at the end of last week, some of it clear, some not so clear.  Here is part of it.  I say "Kobi barked at Lainai; can you say something about that?"  I hear "Kobi..(she)..barks at Lainai." 

True, she does all the time, when the cat (Lainai) starts to play or wants to sit next to Kobi.  Well, it's a start--there's more on there, but I thought I'd share this part.  It was so strange to be talking to the radio and receiving a response that seemed relevant!  Vicki

Attachment: shortened_drv_kobi_barked_at_lainai.mp3 (Downloaded 1542 times)