View single post by Linda35950
 Posted: Aug 23rd, 2010 10:15 PM
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Joined: Aug 21st, 2010
Location: Mascoutah
Posts: 227
Jan11 1am I was sitting here on the computer when I kept seeing movment out o...
Linda35950 | January 21, 2007
Jan11 1am
I was sitting here on the computer when I kept seeing movment out of the corner of my eye,after about the fourth time I stoped what I was doing and just looked at my headset which seemed to be moving.
Wasnt long at all till I saw it moving again I checked the wire its hooked too theirs nothing touching it.
Then I got my camra and video it and did catch some movement.I was very excited but trying to stay very clam,
I was so sleepie and was trying to get done with some pictuers I was trying to fix the color on.
I thought time I get my carma it will have stoped,but it moved many times.


Last edited on Aug 23rd, 2010 10:18 PM by Linda35950