View single post by paulrhuges
 Posted: Aug 11th, 2010 08:08 AM
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Thanks for the reply and welcome. @Lance~ I am really find myself drawn to still photography. Some of that is due to that it is a hobby of mine.

I've always been interested in visual phenomena and anomaly and, how people interpret that. The meaning they take from images. Be-it Gestalt, visual transfiguration, or hallucination, or interpretation of 'Reality'. Although some of that interest as it pertains to ITC is simply because the only device I currently own is a camera.

On another related topic; As I've mentioned I am a practicing Spiritualist. Among the things I believe I experience, are visual phenomena that coincides with mental and auditory spiritual/spirit experiences. I am interested if any of this can be recorded in some fashion.

For example. I am interested if the transfiguration- images, faces, and people, forms I see in reflective surfaces, static surfaces, even stereo-grams, can be recorded. And if this photographic record can be correlated to other instances of Spirit communication and phenomena. I am very fascinated with the images I've seen where people photograph water.

Well, that's all I've got right now. While I do have some typical Orb and weird lighting photos to share; Right now I am working on my Spiritual development. Once I get a little better handle on that I'll see if it will be permissible to start taking a few photos.

Thanks again for the hello!