View single post by Les Harris
 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2010 04:19 PM
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Les Harris


Joined: Feb 7th, 2010
Posts: 14
I am at a loss to know just how I can state any more clearly that I am NOT convinced that there is a continuation of some form of life after physical death. I am examining any and all information that I can find and will continue to do so until I reach a conclusion either for or against. Such conclusion might or might not be based on balance of probabilities.

My knowledge so far does not include direct contact such as has been experienced by many people, the content and circumstances of which defy 'conventional' thinking. Many instances of apparent direct contact exist which cannot be dismissed out of hand.

It is worth noting that some of the "explanations" offered by sceptics are just hilarious. If a first year science student employed the same logic offered in these explanations, they would would never make it to second year!

I do not describe myself as a "lurker" - far from it. I will engage with anyone who demonstrates intellectual rigour in examining the available information.

And, yes, the particle/wave conundrum well illustrates the many problems in quantum physics - for which only the existence of other dimensions can offer any tenable explanation so far. However, it would be a very courageous person indeed who dismisses the multiple dimension hypothesis by saying "nah, that's impossible". For a hypothesis to be dismissed, it must be shown to be incorrect, not rejected out of hand.

I countinue to search.

Les Harris