View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Jun 10th, 2010 05:51 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi "Old Guy"

Evidence of life after death has been around for many years, more notably beginning in the 1800's during the spiritualist movement. A notable list of who's who including many men of mention, education, and repute have investigated life after death and added their voices to the group of people who can say that they have experienced first hand some form of communication with spirit and have undoubtedly proven beyond their satisfaction that same evidence and shared it with the public. Since men of science are the most likely to be involved in such research, those are the people I speak of.

When I speak of life after death being proven, I do not speak of Instrumental Transcommunication. Rather, it is presently one of the weakest forms of communication with spirit in regards to providing irrefutable evidence. There are many methods of communicating with spirit, of which ITC is only one. Yet there have been thousands of books, articles, and first hand accounts of evidence from spirit being validated over the years, most particularly the last hundred years. If a person is seeking evidence that life exists after death, they will find it....and be sure of it.

At present there is no such thing as proving to the mass populace that there is life after death in one fell swoop. Now it has come down to personal experience. And that is why we experiment....some to assist in helping provide that evidence, some to try to contact their loved ones, some to develop in private and see where it will take them.
