View single post by clockdryve
 Posted: May 20th, 2010 01:49 PM
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Joined: Feb 7th, 2010
Location: Des Moines, Iowa USA
Posts: 425
clockdryve wrote: Recorded on the 17th of May in the afternoon. At about 9 seconds you might be able to hear a woman say "please help me"..... then at about 11.5 to 12 seconds, you will have a better chance in hearing the young girl say (in a slight echo) "Okay". No changes or enhancements have been made........EXCEPT for conversion to Mp3 (with some losses) that is required to fit in this space for upload. It appears as though I have slightly overdriven my sound card with the upload. You might hear some "splash" of the audio. *I will upload a "slight" enhancement with DENOISER program. But the voices here are so slight that much help is not available. Sorry. But if you can hear this...........

Here is the Denoised upload. Might help some

Attachment: please_help_me_OKAY-evp_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 844 times)