View single post by HollyTx
 Posted: Apr 27th, 2010 12:58 PM
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Joined: Apr 23rd, 2010
Posts: 4
Thanks, Vicki. I think that I may have misunderstood some of what I was hearing because I was turning the dial manually. It is not as smooth or accurate a process as when a radio is altered and the band is scanned automatically ... like with the 'ghost boxes.' I did record some words which clearly were broadcast by radio stations. There is also interference from my clumsy movements and the stations being crossed.

Our cemetery doesn't have the reputation of being 'haunted' per se. But my subjective feeling is that there are many spirits around. Certain parts of the cemetery feel 'electric' to me ... as does my home, at times. I realize that some would think I'm a little off-balanced in saying this :) Yet, I am being honest. I am also thankful that we have experienced no overt paranormal (frightening) activity in our house.

That was not the case when we lived across the street from another cemetery, about ten years ago. One of the reasons that I decided to try experimenting with EVP is that so frequently, when house-hunting, we would arrive to meet the realtor and there would be the house ... and the cemetery! My husband and I kind of chuckled about it after a while. So, here we are once again :)

My background is in History and I do feel very close to old things and to those who have gone before us. I (subjectively, of course) have experienced encounters with departed loved ones and other spirits previously - just not through EVP. Maybe this has something to do with why I seemingly received so many responses to my recording effort.

There is one place on the tape I made where I hear a young man (I think) say softly, "Rudy." Then he repeats his name more loudly and clearly a few seconds later. And there was a lady who very clearly stated her name as 'Jeanenne.' These just aren't names that one commonly would hear on the radio in our area. And it is like they were recorded underneath the radio band as it traveled along.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this! I will share if I try again and especially if I am able to transfer a recording into a digital file :)

Have a lovely day :)

- Holly