View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Dec 11th, 2009 10:28 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

Welcome to the forum.

It is perfectly normal to being able to communicate with spirit, or people who are not in physical form presently. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of people communicating with spirit, or trying to, in a variety of ways - of which evp is the most popular.

In reference to your admittal of fear, I can say thay yes, it is dangerous for you to partake in something in which you are afraid. That goes with anything in life. Anytime you feed your fear you will subject yourself to more of the same, and if there are people in spirit who would get a kick out of helping you feed that, then you may run across them.

My advice is to study up and learn a little more about life after death and the many ways in which spirit can communicate. There is nothing to be afraid of, other than your own fear itself. That is the first issue that must be dealt with.

EVP is recorded in the manner in which you are describing, it is the simplest and most common form of communication. I recommend the AAEVP as one of the first resources you should take advantage of if you're just starting out. Of course, there are also many here who are able to and willing to help, and exchange experiences with you.
