View single post by hamradioguy
 Posted: Oct 29th, 2009 09:07 AM
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Joined: Oct 29th, 2009
Location: Spanish Fort, Alabama USA
Posts: 2
Hi Keith, I am not into this Spirit radio yet, but just might get started!  I would
like to make a comment.   Radio waves are essentially light waves at a lower
energy level.  However, ground waves picked up by a ground rod are current
waves, to my understanding and would be electron or particle movements
across the ground of the Earth.   I wonder if you used two ground rods with
one connected to the ground or chassis of the radio and the other to the antenna
if you would get improved results?  I would separate the rods by at least ten
or so feet and also, you might get the rods down deeper that just five feet.
I would like to start out with two 20 ft rods and twenty feet separation!