View single post by EVPDave
 Posted: Oct 24th, 2009 05:23 PM
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Joined: Mar 7th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 206
Bruce wrote: EVPDave,

Just visited the Spiricom site after a long passage of time.  Saw your posts regarding your optical device and listened to all of the recordings.  While some of the recordings are difficult to decipher, others are marvelous examples of clear, voice communication.  The "Jeffery omes into the background" is a remarkable example of such communications.   I completely applaud your efforts.

My own efforts at communication device development have been in a different vein than Spiricom, though some of the concepts of Spiricom have been incorporated in various prototypes.  I have experienced only limited success, nothing approaching the clarity of some of your recordings.

I appears to me that the SEC field approach you are (were?) using provides a good  method of transducing "energies" between what we call the nonphysical and physical worlds.  It brings the nonphysical energies into physical world circuitry so they can be worked with.  Nonphysical folks appear to be able to modulate the field your SEC approach creates with their "voices" and in my view field modulation and detection of that modulation is the key to understanding the 'how' of such communication.

  I frankly don't understand why your experiments and posts of resulting recordings didn't spark a stronger reaction from Spiricom website visitors.  With such obvious success I would have thought some folks would have jumped at the chance to begin their own experiments along the same lines.

I am curious to know where your research has taken you since your last posts?


Bruce Moen

Hello Bruce,

 Thanks for listening to the files I posted in this thread, here on the ITC bridge site. Yes I am still experimenting with this method and several others. I have modified the circuit recently and eliminated the external tones so it does not resemble a Spiricom in the classical sense.

Instead, I am exploring an region of instability during the oscillator operation. This causes the lights to have a flashing effect, then this in turn modulates the light emissions. The SEC is under study on several fronts but mainly for the use of high efficient lighting of LED devices. I believe I am the only person using it for EVP/ITC research so far.

I believe Dr Stiffler has released and made public his theories on how the SEC coheres energy, I do not have the link handy.

The messages I hear are mainly of a technical nature and there is significant 'testing' going on,

Here is an example from today. The middle message is clearest for my ears.

" Professor at supporting people......Tune to the sidebands.......Doctor will save you"



P.S. At times I get several messages about "passwords" the password in this session was "diplomat".

Attachment: 102409sectunedtothesidebands2.mp3 (Downloaded 964 times)