View single post by TigerSoul
 Posted: Sep 14th, 2009 03:29 PM
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Joined: Aug 24th, 2009
Posts: 34
Ok let me see here, so in the original spiricom device (or the one you are referring to either way) the OUTPUT EFFECT of the TRANSMITTER was so low that the receiver would only receive the signal as a pretty faint one, thus including background radio static in the audio output. Would this be correct? This is something I never understood from reading the originals block diagrams! Would the same effect, in lack of low enough RF power, be achivable by setting the receiver slightly off in frequency? I could probably achieve it with my low power fm transmitter however.

Direct radio I'm aware of how it works

The voice synthesizer method AKA the paranormal puck, olivion etc, I'm also aware of, though I don't own any device unfortunately.
