View single post by TigerSoul
 Posted: Aug 24th, 2009 11:24 AM
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Joined: Aug 24th, 2009
Posts: 34
Hi everyone!

I'm a new member from sweden. I found this forum just recently as I never tried searching for ITC forums, just EVP forums... bummer! but now I'm here.

I first got interested in EVP after watching the movie "white noise" as I just had to go online and see if that was for real (anyone recognizing themselves?) :P I never got into doing anything back then. Then later, all of a sudden, I still don't know why, I  got interested in the topic again. This time around I decided to do some experimentation myself. I started out with a cell phone in voice recording mode but decided this wasn't a reliable method. So I purchased an Olympus vn-4100pc which is now my main recording device. I've been experimenting for a few weeks now and I've received a few pretty good ones already. One of the best is already uploaded in the EVP area on this forum. I'm very intersted in improving the results and methods aswell as listening to and sharing clips.

I'm a 29 years old male, I live in Sweden (which seems very EVP experimenter thin btw, any swedes here? hello?? :P) I'm also interested in IT, computers, photography and music, so I have alot of general knowledge around the technical side of things and would be glad to be of help!

I'm also a spirtual person with a spirtual point of view while still keeping my two feet on the ground.

Well I guess that's about it, feel free to ask any questions and enjoy my clip ;)

Ciao for now, nice to meet you all!