View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: Mar 30th, 2007 12:29 PM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 There is no Franks's Box!! as such. I mean it is not any form of exotic technology. A simpler, and perhaps better method it take a radio with a tuning knob, and tune across the band AM, or FM, and listen/record. Do this with the intention of getting EVP,  it helps to announce you are doing an EVP session, and you should be able to get meaningful, personal messages. Some voices may even appear to follow the tuning across the band.  The rate should be 3 to 5 seconds to cover the band. You don't need any special boxes, or technology, and you certainly don't need some guru to interpret what you get! I think it might be better because touch is involved.

 We've had people experimenting on the EVP-ITC group, and getting some stunning voices. There's no way they could be confused for broadcast fragments.

 I want to discourage the belief that spirit communication takes exotic crap. It's simple, and it doesn't even need random noise or audio as I had thought. :blink:


 Attached is a voice from one of the members using this radio method.




Attachment: lovethesemessages-wishwecouldalldoit-(M--3-29-07).mp3 (Downloaded 2716 times)