View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Mar 29th, 2007 06:19 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Vicki,

I use a long tupperware container, a rectangular flat mirror, and water.

I have found that the most important variable in water pictures is the colors you provide for the pictures - it's something that is in our complete control. For more information about these items, please check out the reflection photography tutorial.

In this experiment I decided to mix it up as much as I could (the background colors), and just use a flat mirror. I also used a halogen light to bring the light level to an appropriate level. (I don't do an experiment without it)

Here's the first frame of the video - what you are seeing is the reflection of a blanket draped over a kitchen ceiling light. I made it so that the camera saw the light, the pale tan of the ceiling, the dark blue from the blanket, and the white from the blanket.


Attached Image (viewed 426 times):
