View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Jul 14th, 2009 03:30 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Hi Ron,

Let me give you first some background info on this town, where I'm living. Population is somewhere between 35.000-36.000, I don't know for sure, but it doesn't reach the 40.000 mark. There are like 2000 (?) Romanians living here. Less are Gipsys, and less than Gipsys are Germans, very few, and there are only two americans I know of. One is not really an American (Yankee), but he moved there from here and 3 years ago he bought here, in our building a flat, to stay here in the summer, to reunite with his relatives. The other one is the town's foundation's director, he has been here since 2-3 years before. The majority are Hungarian, but Hungarian's are in minority in Romania.
I asked all the questions in hungarian.

Reading your results, the first time index is not containing the part I found interesting, which happens to be after that (I left it there by convenience). And the main part is repeated two times in different filtering mods. In them I hear a high trumpet voice, and something like drums. There had been no music during the recording in the surrounding area, only sounds of hatchet (wood-cutting), hammering, dogs barking and the sound of road traffic in the distance.

The only interpretation I can accept from you is the word "mare". That means in romanian: sea. I could hear something similar to "California" by your method, only that it could have been anything from the background. Neither hungarian, nor romanian has any name like "Zohan". So, if I were you, I wouldn't mess with the Zohan!:lol:

I couldn't find worthy to contemplate on that theory, somehow it is just too wild for me (far-fetched)... But hey, I allow you to send a copy of the file for any evp-analytic, to see what they can hear out of it.

Here's the original.

Attachment: unenhanced question included.mp3 (Downloaded 891 times)

Last edited on Jul 14th, 2009 11:29 PM by neokortex_simulacrum