View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Jul 10th, 2009 08:04 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Hi Ron, I greet you from the hills and valleys of Transylvania.

I went through your response, and can tell straightaway, that I don't have that much experience that you have, so your view of things in the EVP-field is a lot broader than mine.
A great idea to use a, err - how do you say it? - professional sound card, I never had one. All I used is Wavepad and Cool Edit 2.0: Wavepad bacause it had a "Spectral Subtraction kinda noise reduction filter", someone adviced in youtube to use that. I had Cool Edit 2.0 before I got to experiment, and it looked like as a very complex software, that has all the necessary editing tools.
With this (and a mother board chip soundcard), I dug as deep as 80-100 dB in the soundwave and all I found what I wrote you in my previous post. I believed that one can't deepen further, or actually find intelligible responses, but if you say, that the proper equipment makes that possible, than I believe you.
So, you are the man.

I have a question for you: did you work, before getting retired, in areas of sound or music - do you have a musical hearing by talent?

Last edited on Jul 11th, 2009 05:42 AM by neokortex_simulacrum