View single post by Dr Lewis
 Posted: Jan 10th, 2007 01:04 PM
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Dr Lewis


I know the major focus of the board is the above, while my own specific interest is physical mediumship which one may take EVP/ITC to be a part of. However, despite advances in this area I have a number of concerns. Perhaps it is best to list them as a number of questions, eg;

1. I am concerned with the quality, and often the banality and at times rudeness of some communications. In this regard I would refer researchers to  Coopers book 'Hungry Spirits'. In Coopers investigation of spirit phenomena he came to the conclusion that much of the phenomena was genuine, but quite a few of the communicators were not who they said they were. This could be a real possibility in EVP/ITC research. The possibility of rogue communicators and even poltergeist actiivity cannot be ruled out. Indeed I have even witnessed this in a physical circle, so communicators must look for substantial eveidence and quality of communications.

2. The quality of the broadcasts is often poor (I know we are at an early stage!), and often can be open to a number of interpretations. There is still little evidence of sustatined communication (two way) as in direct voice mediumship (ie, such as Leslie Flint). I know Spiricom was a breakthrough, but as far as I can see it has not been replicated to date.

3. Survival evidence from deceased loved ones is the key here. Quality, sustained evidence is lacking to date.

4. There is wide interpretation as to the conditions in the spirit realms. In some way this is to be expected as communicatirs have differing experiences. I was however greatly disturbed by the work of Mark Macey and his description of the great river, and indeed higher level 'technical beings' from other dimensions. We are not in a position to know this. Indeed the Scole experiements here in England were stopped as they were getting 'higher dimensional beings', whatever that means !. We need clear, sustained communications from loved ones in spirit to loved ones here, with grading of evidence quality (as Arthur Findlay did in On the Edge of the Etheric) please fellow searchers, aim for quality..not quantity !.

Hope these points raise some debate. I would welcome readers views
