View single post by Estee
 Posted: Mar 20th, 2009 06:05 AM
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Because I'm not interacting with what I'm hearing in this segment of a recording I captured from the bridge yesterday, this of course means that I did not hear what's being said in it till I heard it in Cool Edit. So this means that it may not be from the Bridge and is an evp that was recorded on my end while I was recording from the Bridge. Hopefully in time, I will hear similar information that's being said in this clip loud enough over the Bridge to then immediately respond to it afterwards by either repeating what I just heard or thanking them for coming in which I keep in the clip when I post them here for others to hear that interaction.

So having said this, here's what I'm hearing in this clip which is the denoised version of it. In the next post, I will attach the same clip with a 10% pitch increase because, to my ears, it sounds clearer that way.

It's not very loud because the voices are still somewhat embedded in the noise. I did not denoise it much because anymore denoising than what I've done to it here, erases or fractures the words that those voices are saying in it.

This is what I'm hearing this clip say:
"It's Timesteam Station"
"Tower City"
"Flanagan, Edward Flanagan"
"We will get Technician"

Attachment: march19timestreamstationtowercity.mp3 (Downloaded 1770 times)

Last edited on Mar 20th, 2009 06:27 AM by