View single post by EVPfan
 Posted: Sep 20th, 2008 06:32 AM
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Joined: Mar 15th, 2008
Posts: 55
Hi Estee & all,

glad to read that of your success with EVPmaker. Such "field reports" are also very intresting and encouraging to me.

It's weird - usually I don't remember my dreams very well, and often enough, some "great ideas" I have in dreams turn out as absolute nonsense after I wake up. But last night it was different. I had a very vivid and detailed dream which I could remember after I woke up. In this dream I explained to someone a possible new feature for EVPmaker while drawing a sketch with a pencil on a sheet of paper. (The following image is a reproduction of the sketch from the dream.)

This new feature which I called "auto-cut" was thought to divide the source audio file into sections at the points of the volume minima. For this, an adjustable threshold value could be defined, and markers (M) are set at points where the volume envelope of the audio signal crosses this threshold. In the middle between two of such markers where there is a "volume envelope valley", a cue point (or cutting mark) is set. These cue points are used by EVPmaker to cut the signal into pieces and play them back in a random order.

Since these cutting marks are at points of the lowest volume, the pieces represent the natural rhythm of human speech. Perhaps this is easier to use for our EVP partners to form new words...

Actually an interesting idea ... or maybe an inspiration?
