View single post by nerol
 Posted: Sep 17th, 2008 10:52 AM
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Joined: Sep 16th, 2008
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 22
1 , i notice that spin and shape may influence better outcome (sacred geometry maybe?)

i made a ghostbox with a round container, as spheres occur more in nature than squares.  i intend to find an old record player, to set it on top of at some point to generate some spin

.. i believe a pyramid shape will actually emit a little energy

2 .. i've thought of putting christmas lights in the ghostbox, as i noticed spirits seem to be attracted to christmas lights (during my december obe's usually)

3 , we know anyone can make a crystal radio, and hear a very faint station  ... so that suggests we need some type of amplification method to make the signal stronger ... i.e. coils, magnets, combined mental energy (the second is already in your speakers and microphones)

4. some types of material can vibrate at diferent levels of hz.  quartz crystal and others can be made to vibrate at whatever level .. if you run energy through them ... so if we could make a cylindrical spinning quartz tube, perhaps it could create a vortex tunnel for outer dimensional matter, sound, etc to pass through ... especially if electrified to the frequency of the other dimensions natural vibration

i have heard the western brain usually vibrates at 7.83hz in meditation (the schuman resonance) ... but some african/south ameican shaman get up past 40hz while acting as mediums etc ... so vibration experimentation may be needed

5.. i guess i've rambled enough for now.  thankyou, and i will try to post some of my  results when i get a chance.