View single post by Misty
 Posted: Aug 30th, 2008 01:59 AM
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Joined: Mar 13th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 188
I may post the rest of the DRV parts of it later since the friend I did the session for gave permission to post what I recieved. He recently lost his sister and she was the topic of thier messages. They also spoke to him directly by name but it's up to him who he shares that with. I always feel weird about posting personal messages for other people LOL so I just send it to them and they can share it if they want.

Bedtime for now, I am up way too late tonight!




Attachment: 082808STdrv_CLR-bringitin-xx-goodtodo-todoherlifewhichithinkthispersonmustbeokintheendisdeservingok.mp3 (Downloaded 1327 times)