View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Jun 17th, 2008 09:22 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Sorry for the slight delay...currently in a hotel in Oklahoma while we look for a house.

I would agree about the frequency divisions possibly holding more the higher you go. One might imagine that any frequency, GHz etc would be reliably frequency divisible and it's something to work on in experiments, with operator adjustable rates. Have to watch for those frequencies currently in use of course, 2.4GHz being common for telephones, for one example. Indeed, the operation of telephones might form an easier building block to work from in my own case, for higher frequencies.
Certainly paranormal equipment seems to work better in some hands than others. Could be as simple as the user of the equipment uses it more because they hold a bigger interest, but a psychic connection of a balanced manner would be very useful in extended research. In my opinion, learning about ourselves, never solidifying thoughts on the supernatural and understanding the way we ourselves think, brings forward a natural energy connection to many others.
I'm quite excited about trying all this out...just got to get a house first and move our gear back out of storage :smile: