View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Feb 23rd, 2007 05:56 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi Fratka,

as far as what I hear of sample 11... I consider this one a dual direction evp.... meaning, I've spliced the backwards with the forwards. I hear this dual direction message as " they found my fear "... not saying I'm right, but I perceive it this way.. couldn't hear what you'd suggested. I tried for that. One thing I don't even bother questioning anymore is that people hear different things.. I'm not saying this is a trivial matter, and I consider it important actually. I've got plans to deal with it in my own way, and I really am not in a position to discuss this, because I am working to get some serious testing accomplished if I can ever get to this point !

As far as the other one you heard the word " alive " within... You're right, this phrase kept caming at us. A repeated phrase is very typical of what Dr. Rorke and I experience in these recorded phone calls.

The full phrase that many people have agreed on ( not sure if you were pointing this one out ) is " cause he thinks he's alive "

You mentioned in another post that you'd noticed my involvement with evp earlier on.. I was just wondering where this might have been.. I don't recognize your name.


PS : here's what I find a pretty unique evp compared to the rest Dr. Rorke and I usually get...

Attachment: try this.mp3 (Downloaded 1228 times)