View single post by hayes043
 Posted: Apr 10th, 2008 01:46 PM
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Joined: Apr 9th, 2008
Posts: 3

Thanks for the encouraging words. I initially tried getting advice from the AA-EVP organization. Tom Butler recommended that I not provide such meaning to the threatening messages (which was good input at the time). In other words, see these responses as "silly." However, I am going on 3 months and it has still gone unabated

Despite everything I have done (praying, meditating, etc) I can't seem to shake "Penny" and her negative foul mouthed friends. What I don't understand is the following: if these spirits are getting such a kick out of this, why do I continually get warnings to stay out? Maybe, this warning is from higher level entities that are just trying to protect me... As you say, all I can do is keep trying. This type of research is SO isolating, and it is great to hear from someone that has also been impacted.

I will most certainly keep you updated! All the best,
